Live Tweets from Robin Hood Supreme Court Trial

Wanted Robin HoodHere are Darryl’s live tweets from the NH supreme court hearing for the Robin Hood case, in reverse chronological order. Video to come later:

Darryl W. Perry @DarrylWPerry
Jon says if no law had been broken then going to city is the wrong action #RH
Darryl W. Perry @DarrylWPerry
Jon mentions Part 1 Article 8 that allows people to hold public officials accountable #RH (more…)

AKPF #1: Beclear

In this installment of AKPF #1, originally aired September 29, we are granted an anthology of president Obama’s clearest moments, including an after action report of a recently contested parking ticket in the DPRK district court system. Enjoy AKPF #1 episode, Beclear., Union Leader Report on Upcoming Robin Hood Supreme Court Case

Robin Hood of KeeneIn recent posts, the Union Leader’s Meghan Pierce and’s Brian Doherty report on the upcoming Robin Hood case at the NH Supreme Court.

Please come observe in Concord on October 15th at 9:30am as heroic free speech attorney Jon Meyer takes on the NH Municipal Association and the City of Keene’s private attorneys in this critical case that will decide whether there should be limits on what can be said to bureaucrats while on-the-job.