DPRK Denounces Robin Hood Ruling

akpf_dprkappeal1xIn a followup to their previous two videos, one published to youtube and another to their official website, the bureaucrats behind the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene have crafted a new video message denouncing a Cheshire superior court judge’s ruling in their lawsuit against the merry people associated with Robin Hood of Keene. The ruling that was handed down on December 3 determined that no civil claims were legally actionable given the protections granted in the first amendment of the US lanekendall_bestmayordprkconstitution. The judge declined to elaborate on implications which may or may not be granted by the more eloquent NH state constitution.

The new piece of content by the City people is brief and to the point. Commemorating the re-elected person who won the mayor contest, the video also serves as a new year’s update from the officials and to the civilianry that is claimed representative dominion over. Meanwhile in DPRK, Robin Hooding continues unabated.

Official DPRK presents Music of Unofficial DPRK

nhkeene2_dprkvodkaIn this special holiday presentation airing during the AKPF #1 time slot, Official DPRK takes an educational excursion to unofficial DPRK. Opening with an exquisite press symposium hosted by the honorable NHUSA governor Maggie Hassan, who is premiering a new official vodka for the people. In order to promote harmonious relations with similar other portions of the world, leaders of Official DPRK have pieced together an anthology of uplifting and timely musical arrangements. This installment signals a cultural and political alliance between the two geographically-based factions contending for the Official DPRK designation. Happy holidays from the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene!

1. 00:00 Special message to the viewers of Cheshire TV disclaimer
2. 00:10 DPRK face of state media AKPF promo
3. 00:20 Official NHUSA governor’s vodka sales pitch
4. 02:41 Jingle Bells, Unofficial DPRK Style
5. 05:03 Hail North Korean Communist Party ballad
6. 08:10 Glorious and Admirable, by Moranbong Chorus
7. 12:43 Please, Let The Snow Fall, by Moranbong Band
8. 17:23 Let’s Study!, by Moranbong Band
9. 20:51 Children of DPRK present classical guitar arrangements
10. 24:18 Our Father (Kim Jong Il dedication) by Song & Oungum

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 31

This week:  Vice covers the DPRK, the State’s war on Snuggeries, communication through smiling and Keene’s hired attorneys attempt to appeal the Robin Hood case.  Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

Gov Hassan Presents Official New Hampshire Vodka

maggie_hassan01nhliquorNews came out yesterday following a press conference that the state of New Hampshire was sponsoring a special edition vodka in a decorate new bottle featuring the late Old Man of the Mountain. At 29.99usd, the maple-syrup bottlesque hard liquor was made available to state liquor dispensaries in Concord, but likely will not be arriving into the Cheshire county area until Friday. Profits attained from the drug sales will be directed towards repairing dilapidated flags of some historical value. Walking through the local liquor store in search of the bottle to document, I was amazed at how casually the state promotes and distributes the world’s most destructive drug. How long could it possibly be before a New Hampshire governor introduces an official state strain of cannabis to the public in celebration of the holiday season? The Nashua Telegraph captured some video from the parodist press conference. No mentions of liquor or drug-related issues facing New Hampshire are mentioned in many of the corporate news stories republishing the state’s alcohol marketing through the frame of selling “commemorative bottles”.

nhliquorlibraryhassan3b (more…)

AKPF #1 – Tour Part 2

akpf_tour2AKPF #1 reignites with a new episode following the first installment of content collected from the Police Accountability Tour. Tour Part 2, first airing on December 16, features footage from on the ground in Chicago, Illinois and Gary, Indiana. No parking enforcers appear in this cautionary edition.

1. 00:00 Special message to the viewers of Cheshire TV disclaimer
2. 00:10 Opening imagery, AKPF musical and credits
3. 01:40 Amagi metals
4. 01:43 Pete presents puppycide video with Colonel the dog in Chicago
5. 05:37 Occupy wiretap telephones
6. 06:52 Record everywhere, especially Illinois police
7. 08:23 CPD Striegel opposes recording young hooligan
8. 11:28 Skokie facial fracture video from FreeConcord.org
9. 19:26 Children in Gary, IN speak on neighborhood violence
10. 20:13 Who is addressing Gary’s murder problem
11. 22:40 Interview with a police chief Adam in Gary, Indiana filmed November 10 2013
12. 25:41 Abandoned home trashed and pillaged