NH Secession Featured in Washington Post

TheUnionisDissolvedjpg-2291358_p9[1]Free State Project founder Jason Sorens was published in the Washington Post today, asking the question, “Where Scotland failed, could New Hampshire succeed?”. As it stands, approximately one in four Americans support their state seceding from the U.S., which is an excellent starting point to begin a discussion on the issue. The more we can talk about the idea of seceding, the more realistic it will become, so now is a great time to talk to friends, family, and co-workers about what happened in Scotland and why we need to seriously consider the same thing here.

While the Reuters poll on secession shows New Englanders being the least likely to support secession (19%), we all know that Granite Staters are not of the same mindset as the rest of New England. Unfortunately, the poll does not break out individual states’ responses. Hopefully we’ll see a NH-only poll conducted at some point in the future. Meantime, we need more liberty-loving people to move here as part of the Free State Project and for people to start discussions with loved ones about this idea. The Foundation for New Hampshire Independence has some good outreach information on the idea. Let’s make it a reality!

Here’s Sorens’ editorial:

On Thursday, a majority of Scots voted against independence from the United Kingdom. Their desire for self-determination, though, is easy to understand: The same impulse motivates present-day demands for federalism and state autonomy in the United States. Over the past decade, for instance, the Free State Project has been drawing libertarians to the relatively libertarian-friendly state of New Hampshire to pursue smaller government. Could New Hampshire or another state (one in fourAmericans want their state to secede, according to a poll last week) ever hold its own vote on independence? (more…)

Rebel Love Show Episode 16 (7/16/14)

Recorded on July 16th, Neal Connor of the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence comes on to talk about independence rallies, peace, love, and Bitcoin.

WARNING: One of our microphones malfunctioned, so the audio quality can be spotty at times.

Over 550 Bitcoin Flyers Distributed @ Cheshire Fair 2014

Activists Explain Bitcoin and More at Cheshire Fair 2014!

Activists Explain Bitcoin and More at Cheshire Fair 2014!

Wow! What an amazing week at the Cheshire Fair! Sunday was (surprisingly) the busiest day at the fair of the entire week, and may have been the best day I can recall in all three years I’ve done booths at the fair. People were constantly streaming by the booth. As a result, we gave out over 200 Bitcoin fliers today alone, and probably close to 600 BTC fliers throughout the five days of the fair. In fact, we nearly ran out of full-color BTC fliers on Friday and I ordered 400 more black and white flyers from Staples and we gave them ALL out on Saturday and Sunday!

Once the Bitcoin flyers were tapped out on late Sunday afternoon, the crowd (there at that point for the demolition derby) continued to flow by. Chris Cantwell, (who is an amazing talent at doing booth outreach) and I handed out a large stack of CopBlock WARNING fliers. After quickly exhausting that supply, we moved on to handing out NHjury.com and Foundation for NH Independence fliers for the remainder of the event. In total, just Sunday alone, we likely handed out 500 fliers of the above-listed sorts.

Naturally, it was a lot easier to hand out the CopBlock, Independence, or Jury fliers. The reactions to those were almost all positive. Getting the Bitcoin flyers out was more of a challenge, mainly because lots of people attending the Cheshire Fair do not have internet! (We live in the woods.)

Giving away the pro-secession Foundation for NH Independence fliers was especially enjoyable as it was fun to watch New Hampshirites’ eyes light up (more…)

The 2014 Cheshire Fair: Now Featuring Bitcoin! (Day 3)

Liberty activists are back at the 2014 Cheshire Fair for our third year!  In addition to the usual liberty-oriented propaganda, this year’s booth features a bitcoin vending machine!  If you haven’t gotten started with bitcoin yet, drop by and we can set you up with a free bitcoin wallet from Blockchain.com and you can fund the wallet with bitcoin via the vending machine at the table.

Like last year, the Shire Society Declaration is available for you to sign and keep, so come on out!  The fair runs through this Sunday.

UPDATE 8/1 – Over a hundred Bitcoin flyers have been distributed thus far, bitcoin wallets have been set up, and response from those stopping is very positive.  See you at the fair!


Josie Wales and Chris Cantwell talk about Bitcoin to attendees at the 2014 Cheshire Fair

Josie Wales and Chris Cantwell talk about Bitcoin to attendees at the 2014 Cheshire Fair

FK’s Freeman Challenges Hassan in Democratic Primary

Ian Freeman Rainbow HatHere’s a press release I’m sending this morning to NH media:

As of Thursday morning, nationally syndicated talk show host Ian Freeman has thrown his hat into the ring for governor of NH in a primary challenge to incumbent Maggie Hassan. In addition to being a registered democrat, Freeman is a co-chair of the New Hampshire Liberty Party. Freeman openly challenges Hassan on her inhumane continuation of the insane “War on Drugs”, especially the war on cannabis users. On Freeman’s campaign info page, he states,

If Maggie were a true democrat, she’d care about the little guy, but yet her state police continue to put the little guy behind bars for victimless crimes like cannabis possession. As governor, I’ll pardon all victimless criminals as one of my first acts.

Freeman also supports NH seceding from the United States as well as equal ballot access for all candidates. Regarding Freeman’s positions on other issues, please see the NH Liberty Party platform. Or, contact the candidate directly with any questions or media requests at 603-513-2449 or ian at freetalklive.com

Activists at Liberty Forum speak about their passion for Liberty

This past February I attended my very first Liberty Forum in Nashua New Hampshire.  While there I met many inspiring people dedicated to living free in our life time.  Many of the people I met call the shire home or were their to discover what the Free State Project is all about.  I took the opportunity to create a video that would help portray the dedication to liberty that so many of the attendees at Liberty Forum have.  To showcase why so many of us are active for the cause of freedom.