Black Sheep Rising – Ep77 – Convention Fabuloso


Did you miss Keenevention 2014? No worries. We have all the juicy details for you • HallowKeene FB page • Just sell me three chickens! • No seatbelt? Probably gonna get shot • Derrick J’s 10sec victimless crime spree • the “still small voice” within you • W and Derrick J join the discussion • Show notes at:

Rebel Love Show Ep: 24 The “Anarchist State Rep”


Recorded October 8th, 2014

Entrepreneur, state rep, early FSP mover and bitcoin advocate Mark Warden joins the Rebel Love Show in studio. Topics discussed include the panels at Keenevention that myself, Joel, Shire Dude, and Mark all are participating in. Other topics discussed on the show included NH Independence outreach activism, Mark’s experience in the state house, Free Staters that will get to the state house this year, and Mark’s journey to the Shrie. This was also Joel’s last episode as a co-host of the Rebel Love Show.  For the podcast listeners and LRN.FM fans, the show starts off with a little bonus content. The Rebel Love Show is available for download on itunes, stitcher, or your favorite podcast app.

New Hampshire Independence Outreach in Manchester

10252020_340496072792082_8012370305617794302_nOn September 25th, 2014 myself and Lauren Rumpler aka Objectivist Girl set out to talk to local Manchester residents. We went to the local farmers market near downtown to discuss the idea of New Hampshire Independence. We brought with us Foundation for New Hampshire Independence flyers. Unfortunately it was a low turn out at the farmers market. We roughly passed out close to a hundred flyers in an hour and a half time. The goal of this activism was to build up the culture of a free Independent New Hampshire among the average person. There were multiple great conversations on the idea and many people were receptive. There is more outreach planned for the near future.

Rebel Love Show Ep: 23 The Best thing to Happen to Objectivism since Ayn Rand


Recorded October 1st, 2014
Lauren Rumpler aka Objectivist Girl finally joins the Rebel Love Show in studio. Topics discussed on this week’s episode include the panels that Rob, Shire Dude, and Lauren are apart of at this year’s Keenevention, NH Independence outreach, Lauren’s journey through the FSP, are Objectivist cowards?, Shire Dude and Rob discover they had similar first days in the Shire and share mover stories involving Lauren, Anarcho-Objectivist?, and Rob and Lauren discuss their polyamory life style.

NH State Rep Interviewed About Secession

Dan Itse

State Rep Daniel Itse

State Representative Dan Itse has been interviewed about New Hampshire declaring independence for an article appearing on righty website World Net Daily.  It’s nice to see support for the idea of secession already coming from people within the state house.  Hopefully we’ll see some legislation to put forth the idea sooner rather than later.  Itse says in his interview,

“Thinking on this, and as they drafted the Articles of Confederation, would they have entered into a union, a perpetual union, if they could not also withdraw from that union when that union became injurious to their liberty?” Itse asked.

“The answer is categorically no,” he told WND. “And I have never posited that question to anyone where they didn’t come up with the proper conclusion.”

The federal government is definitely injuring our liberty, not to mention murdering people worldwide in our name.  It’s time New Hampshire and every other state government declare their independence and end this failed United States.  The feds bring nothing of value to the table and only siphon off our valuable resources into bombing raids and more killing and record imprisonment of our people.

Stop the insanity.  Learn more at the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence and get the conversation started at the workplace, family dinner table, and with your friends.  Already one in four Americans supports the idea of their state seceding from the US.  Many more are undecided.  Let’s move the numbers to a majority favoring states leaving the union.  It’s long past time for this to happen.

Rebel Love Show ep: 22 Independence is not Impossible.


Rebel Love Show comes back from hiatus with in studio guest Mattheus von Guttengberg.  Topics discussed include recent Cop Block activism in Manchester, recent Free Staters being elected in the primary, Scottish Independence, getting new signers on the west coast, future NH Independence outreach, Keenevention, FreeCoast Festivial, current price drop in bitcoin, and an announcement on Joel’s future plans. All Rebel Love Show archives can be found at