State v. Live Free Or Dance

This is the full video of my “Live Free Or Dance” trial. For those unfamiliar, This summer I was caged for having a dance party in Keene Central Common. Now I face 2.5 years behind bars unless I can convince a Jury to let me be free. As always, I am looking for constructive criticism from law-loving types. To see copies of all the papers on my defendant’s table, visit

The video is 3.5 hours, so if you’d like to skip around, it may be helpful to use this previous post as a guide to what happens when.

If you are the victim of state aggression and charged with a victimless crime, I urge you to NOT take the plea deal. Learn why I refuse and why you should too by clicking below:

GQ on the FSP: NH to Become a Yankee Hong Kong?

GerickeGQ Magazine’s Reid Cherlin encounters the Free State Project’s president, Carla Gericke at a Ron Paul event:

Ron Paul’s rally today, in a hangar at the Nashua airport, was one of the most crowded and energetic events I’ve seen here this week—hundreds of supporters whooped and hollered, as the Texas congressman warbled on about freedom and what sounded to me like the arrival of End Times. At least I think he was talking about End Times: the air was too thick with cheers to hear much. Amid this sea of freedom-leaving fankids, one supporter caught my eye as particularly cheerful and exultant. Sporting blue hair, a camouflage hoodie, and peace sign earrings, she shouted “END THE FED” during a rare quiet moment—a striking illustration of the diverse strands of hippyism and ultra-right armageddonism that define this quirky campaign. (Excuse me: movement.) Meet Carla Gericke, happy warrior, secessionist, and President of the Free State Project.

GQ: Tell me about the Free State Project.

Carla Gericke: It’s a geopolitical movement to get libertarians to move to the state of New Hampshire so that we can concentrate in one area. We have about a thousand people who have moved, about 11,000 who’ve signed the pledge. When 20,000 sign the pledge, they have five years to move here. (more…)

Shire Society are First Responders

Liberty Activist Cecelia Freechild is pulled over near the Keene Activism Center. Six Keene activists roll up with cameras to investigate the situation, hold the police accountable, and discourage aggression against peaceful people. Cecelia received a ticket but will NOT be taking a plea deal. She’ll contest the ticket and take it all the way in court, making the state prove its case beyond a shadow of a doubt. To find out why an average young woman like Cecelia would do something like this, click below to find out more.

FreeKeene Rocks Huntsman

Re-posted from

Secession advocates are thrown out of a Huntsman town hall meeting in Keene New Hampshire by the police. So much for free speech, freedom to peaceably assemble, freedom of the press, right to protest–it’s all a joke.

At least the police feel like they have liberty. Ian Freeman, Jason Talley, and newcomer Nicholas Shankin record.

FreeKeene Owns Santorum

Rick Santorum came to Keene this Friday and was met by a group of carol-singing activists. He was asked if he Googled himself, he was serenaded, and he was made to feel unwelcome. Local liberty activists Ian Freeman, Beau Davis, and Derrick J. Freeman were “asked to leave” the event–Keene Police took it upon themselves to put their hands on these men, pushing them up the stairs because one of Santorum’s staffers said, “I want them out.”