Free State Project Reaches 99% of Goal, to Complete This Week!!

Will you join us?

Will you join us?

It’s been fifteen years in the making – the official move for the Free State Project will be kicking off this week! With fewer than 150 signers to go, the FSP has reached 99% of its goal of convincing 20,000 liberty-loving people to move to New Hampshire and get active.

Once 20,000 is reached this week, the early mover phase ends and the official move begins. The 20k will have a five year window to get here and get active.

I’ve you wanted to wait until the last minute to see if we’d make the goal, it’s now the last minute. It’s clear now at around 50 signers per day, the FSP is happening! Don’t miss out on helping make history. If you love liberty, you should join the Free State Project now and start planning your move!

If you thought the activism here was awesome and record-setting, you are right, but just wait until thousands more join us! The fun has just gotten started. As shown clearly in the excellent documentary, “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“, we have a liberty community unlike anywhere else in the world.

Questions still remain. What will happen to the FSP organization after the 20k goal is reached? Will they continue to recruit signers past the goal? Will the organization dissolve after five years? Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on the coming mass migration of liberty activists to the Shire.

Hundred Nights Homeless Shelter’s 5th Annual Masquerade Ball Happening March 19th!


Hundred Nights

For the fifth time, the Hundred Nights homeless shelter and resource center will be holding its annual Masquerade Ball fundraiser event and I’m excited to be able to sponsor it again on behalf of the Shire Free Church and Free Keene! The event is happening March 19th at the Best Western Ballroom from 7:30pm to Midnight and is always a good time.  Contact Hundred Nights for tickets.

Funds raised will continue to support Hundred Nights’ important operations for the least fortunate in our community, which include the Cold Weather Shelter that opened for the season on November 26, 2015. For the hundred coldest nights of the year, the shelter provides clean beds in a warm and safe space to the homeless in our area who have no place else to go. Between November 26 and December 31, 2015 801 bed-nights of shelter were provided to 76 unique individuals.

The Ball's Costume Contest Winners from 2014

The Ball’s Costume Contest Winners from 2014

The Open Doors Resource and Drop-In Center is open year-round from 9am to 4pm on weekdays to anyone in need of a cup of coffee, lunch, access to a phone, fax or computer, laundry facilities and some friendly conversation. In the afternoons there are often classes or presentations on a variety of topics from bicycle repair to anger management. During 2015 there were 533 unique visitors to the Resource Center who came in a total of 11,751 times. In addition dinner is served there on weekends and holidays. During 2015 over 4,000 meals were provided.

Hundred Nights has a positive impact on people’s lives, and I’m glad to have the church support its operations. You can donate to Hundred Nights via their website. If you want to help sponsor the 2016 Masquerade Ball, take a look at this document for details.

Amanda Bouldin Makes Headlines Defending Topless Freedom Against Prudish Male State Reps

State Rep Amanda Bouldin, UBER Customer

State Representative Amanda Bouldin, Founder of Shire Sharing

What started as a rude facebook post on Tuesday by a supposedly “A+” rated state rep named Josh Moore, became a media firestorm of support for Free State Project early mover and “A+” rated Manchester state rep Amanda Bouldin, who defended topless freedom against Moore’s attacks. Bouldin is also known for creating Shire Sharing, a charity that feeds hundreds of NH families in need each year at Thanksgiving.

Despite being highly rated by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, Moore is the co-sponsor of discriminatory, anti-freedom legislation, HB-1525FN that would criminalize female toplessness across New Hampshire. On Tuesday, Bouldin took to her Facebook page with a response, pointing out that all the sponsors of the proposal are male republicans, calling them out on their hypocrisy, in that they claim to supposedly support smaller government, but in this case they are advocating for its expansion.

In response, Moore comments:

“I’ll see you on the house floor. I have obviously have more respect for a women and her innocence and decency than than women who are support public nudity.” – State Representative Josh Moore

State Representative Josh Moore

State Representative Josh Moore

He later added, then deleted:

“Who doesn’t support a mothers right to feed? Don’t give me the liberal talking points Amanda. If it’s a woman’s natural inclination to pull her nipple out in public and you support that, than you should have no problem with a mans to stare at it and grab it. After all, it’s ALL relative and natural, right?” – State Representative Josh Moore

Does Moore really believe that a woman going topless justifies a man committing assault and grabbing it? It’s hysteria like this that needs to end. They are breasts. Men and women both have them – it’s a basic human liberty to be as clothed as one wishes on your own, or public property.

Moore and his cohort, state representative Al Baldasaro were subsequently eviscerated on Amanda’s facebook thread, by countless libertarians. During the process, Baldasaro weighed in with another rude quip:

“No disrespect, but your nipple would be the last one I would want to see. You want to turn our family beach’s into a pervert show.” – State Representative Al Baldasaro

(All spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors by Moore and Baldasaro were left intact.)

Somewhere along the line, Slate published a piece featuring Moore and Baldasaro’s ridiculous support of oppressing topless freedom. That then led to several more major websites picking up the story. Here’s a quick rundown:

AKPF #1: Refugess

This week’s installment of the AKPF #1 local access series, ‘Refugess‘ features fresh footage from the dolanwall_ntrump1capitol area of New Hampshire. Images, speeches, and verbal conflict illustrate this episode as we get an on the ground look experience from the December 05 2015 Stand With Refugees rally sponsored by numerous pro-peace and human rights organizations. All of the footage featured can be viewed in its raw form at the new Free Concord Raw YouTube channel. Additional videos from the event are also available at the AFSCNH YouTube channel.

Hallowkeene 2015 a Huge Success!

HALLOWKEENE 2015 Dance Floor

HALLOWKEENE 2015 was a blast!

For the second-annual HALLOWKEENE costume dance party, we moved to a new, better venue. The new venue allowed the party to go later than last year, had a super-nice staff, their drink prices were cheaper, and had plenty of power outlets, which made setting up Bill Domenico’s multiple AWESOME lasers possible.

Of course, you never know whether a new party is going to work until it happens, and thankfully, this one worked well – we had approximately 50 people attending at one time! That’s up significantly compared to last year’s approximately 30 attendees.

HALLOWKEENE 2015 Dance Floor

HALLOWKEENE 2015 Dance Floor

HALLOWKEENE 2015 was better in every way than last year, and the costumes were again fantastic. Check out loads of photos by multiple photographers on the HALLOWKEENE facebook page.

This year, Renee Kate of Anarchics was the winner of the costume contest as “Corpse Bride”, with Dan Gaudreau’s Ian Freeman costume, and Christopher David’s Satoshi Nakamoto costume as runners-up. Ann Leverette, your Rebel Mistress, MC’d the event, judged the costume contest, and did a great job – even buying drinks for the best dancers in a dance-off!

Big thanks to event organizers Danica, Renee, Johnson, and Derrick J!  Please like the HALLOWKEENE facebook page and keep following the Keenevention blog for further news about HALLOWKEENE 2016.


The lasers by Bill Domenico were awesome!

New Hampshire Charity Feeds Children with Bitcoin

Shire Sharing is my favorite charity. It’s voluntary — People like you and me — NOT gun-funded government bureaucrats. The idea is simple: Raise money, buy bags of groceries, and deliver them to families who are less fortunate. Last year, they fed over 3,000 people! They even personalized each bag by household — because some have children, some are elderly and can’t cook anymore, and some have dietary needs like diabetes or vegetarianism. YOU can help Shire Sharing feed an entire family this Thanksgiving for just 35 bucks. They take bitcoin! (And of course credit cards too.) They have an all-volunteer staff, so 100% of your donation actually buys food. Compare that to 30% with government. Shire Sharing is Voluntaryism in action. Put your money where your heart is, and be the change you want to see. Learn more and donate today at

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