In this RAW video, former city council candidate Bradford Hutchingson encounters Graham Colson and Rich Paul on Main St in early April. Bradford aka “King of Keene” asks for change over and over and sticks his face in Graham’s camera (he did the same thing in this video with Dave Ridley). Bradford’s behavior probably has something to do with the continuous accusation against area activists that we are “shoving” cameras in people’s faces. I’ve never put a camera near someone’s face, let alone shoved it at anyone. I’ve never seen other activists with cameras disrespect people’s personal space, either.
Graham shows again that he is capable of deescalating a violent situation very well, though the conversation does get heated and loud. Graham is a good activist and has been and will get better with time. Here’s the video, much of which is very funny, thanks to Free Keene blogger Rich Paul’s role:
In the aftermath of a shocking video released February 8 portraying a tow truck driver threatening a Robin Hooder, videojournalist Dave Ridley has begun producing a series of videos covering the encounter and the responses that it has generated. Some detractors of Robin Hood and the Merry People shamelessly took to the internet to express solidarity with the rage-filled tow operator and expressed joy at the threats of violence aimed at videographer Graham Colson. Graham has since posted a blog trying to refocus the issue on opposing the use of threats and harassment. Unrelated tow companies in other states who share the same name as the employer of the driver in the original video have reportedly been receiving improperly directed complaints.
Anger against Free Keene grows to physically dangerous levels, but some opponents worth hearing, released 13 Feb 2014:
Over the last week or so, the video involving Emerson Lyons Jr.’s unjustified threats towards me has made it’s way around the internet, to say the very least. While my intentions here were to make this individual’s aggressive actions public, I didn’t want much of what of I hear has been happening to happen. I was informed last night that him and his family have been threatened with violence several times in the last few days. I also read a comment somewhere where someone says that they’ve called Emerson’s Towing & Repair five times in the last hour and called the person who answered the phone vulgar names.
This is not an appropriate way to go about this. I’ve been accused of harassment by the City Of Keene (and their bogus lawsuit was inevitably dropped,, as folks associated with Robin Hood Of Keene haven’t and don’t harass Parking Enforcement Officers) for filling parking meters and occasionally filming public officials in their line of duty. I’ve been harassed and aggressed against myself, by thugs on the streets and government employees, and it’s not something I’d wish on anyone. The way Emerson acted was inexcusable, but to respond to that by stooping to the same level is just as wrong. I’m genuinely sorry to anyone employed at Emerson’s Towing & Repair that has been affected by this negatively, though I’m not sorry for initially publicizing the incident. Had he asked me to stop filming in a respectful manner, I would have stopped filming. I’m not generally much of a filmer, and didn’t have much of a reason to be filming the vehicle being towed (and I don’t need one to film in public, especially when the folks being filmed are contracted through the City Of Keene). However, the second he stepped out of his truck he told me he’d knock my teeth out, and once something like that is said my camera is going to continue to record until the person making those threats has either calmed down or left the situation. He likely knows that the things that Robin Hooders film tend to end up on the internet, and therefore should have acted in a socially acceptable manner knowing how many people could see the video.
Regardless of all of this, I seek only to live in a free and peaceful society, where the use of violence to resolve ones grievances is used only as an absolute last resort. To those who hold issues with me over this incident, I ask that you at the very least come to the realization that violence or the threat of it is not an acceptable way to handle these issues. Talk to me about it. I think that you’d find that I’m actually a relatively okay person, and that finding a peaceful solution rather than a bloody one is the ideal route to go.
Early last week I left a message for the owner of Emerson’s Towing, Emerson Sr., asking for an official statement on the incident. As of yet, I have not heard from him. It appears Emerson’s has again taken down their facebook page again, however their Yelp entry isn’t looking so hot in the reviews department as people comment nationwide. Will Emerson’s continue to avoid commenting on this situation?
On the morning of February 10 in the new Cheshire county court building, which houses the Keene District Court, the room was packed as usual for arraignments. Travis Hobbs, who had made himself the subject of a video posted to Fr33manTVraw by threatening and attacking Robin Hooders, was present to plead not guilty to multiple charges of criminal threatening. Though it is unclear specifically as no state paperwork is currently available from this case, information from the Keene police suggest that Travis is facing four misdemeanor charges of criminal threatening. Shortly after the incident, the KPD requested that a statement be provided which outlines the events documented on video on the afternoon of Friday, August 02. Some of the information pertaining to the case was read aloud by Edward Burke. Below is video from the portion of the arraignment that occurred before the judge. Individual conferences with the representative of the prosecutor, KPD’s James Cemorelis (in police attire with firearm), occurred as each person demanded present was called past the bar prior to the judge’s arrival. The trial date has been set for June 17, and the defendant was appointed a public defender.
This informative installment of AKPF #1 takes you all the way to Concord, NH to sit in on the exciting hearing on the wiretapping law for the state, which currently is responsible for granting police the authority to kidnap and rob from innocent human beings under the guise of combating illegal recording. We even hear from bureaucrats who admit their deep-seated fear of recording devices and the individuals who wield them, as well as receiving updates from the cannabis legalization progression in Colorado. In a world where herbs are legal, the ability to make objective records is sure to follow closely behind.