Hundred Nights’ Masquerade Ball 2013 – March 30th

HundredNightsLogo-Line_fixSaturday evening March 30th, join supporters of the Hundred Nights shelter at the 2nd annual Masquerade Ball!

It was a lot of fun last year. Enjoy dinner and dancing for only $40 per person at the beautiful Stonewall Farm. Here’s the facebook event and their website with details.

Can’t make the event? Please consider a monthly contribution to Hundred Nights – the area’s only independent shelter. Here’s a great interview with founder Don Primrose which shows how much more compassionate the Hundred Nights is than the government shelters.

Come See Cop Block and Free Keene at the Liberty Forum this Fri & Sat!

Liberty ForumAs the Nashua Telegraph reports, the annual Free State ProjectLiberty Forum” kicks off Thursday! There is going to be a lot to do, but when you get a moment be sure to stop by and meet some Free Keene and Cop Block bloggers at the Free Keene table. We’ll be out in the main hallway area, as Free Keene is a “Silver” sponsor of the entire weekend.

dontpleaAt the table you’ll be able to snag some great FK outreach trifolds like “Don’t Take the Plea Deal“, “Philosophy of Liberty“, and “NH Jury“. Plus take home (or mail it to a loved one) our “Escape to Keene” giant 6×9 postcard!

That’s not all! Also at the table, you’ll be able to purchase and have autographed, your very own copy of “Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree” on DVD. Derrick J will be staffing the table Friday afternoon 3:30-6p and Saturday morning 8:30a-1p and he will have his fancy signin’ pen with him.

DJVCS DVDPlus, grab cool Cop Block gear and FPP.CC newspapers and books. Meet FPP editor and author Darryl Perry at the table from 8:30a-1p on Friday and 1p-5:30p on Saturday.

You’ll also be able to hook up with an amazing deal on the Baofeng UV-5R two-way, dual-band handheld radio – just $40 for this awesome little radio.

Announcing the Keene Bitcoin Network!

icon_bitcoin_large1[1]Bitcoin is the dollar-killer. It’s easily the best, most popular alternative currency in the world. It’s also the most valuable of all the world’s currencies. No wonder Keene businesses are taking notice. (Haven’t heard of it or want to learn more? Visit

In order to further facilitate people who buy and sell with Bitcoin coming together in the area, the Keene Bitcoin Network has been launched! Right now it is just a facebook group, but bigger things are being plotted.

Bitcoin can help strengthen the local economy by avoiding pesky taxes, since it’s essentially a barter as far as the government knows (if they can even understand it). Not only that, it could also be considered an investment that may help you fight the weakening effects of inflation.

So, drop in and say hello at the new Keene Bitcoin Network! When you are added to the group, feel free to post your business if you are accepting Bitcoins in Keene!

Petition to the NH State House for Redress of Grievances re:Cynthia Chase

State Rep. Cynthia Chase has made national news for her statements that “Free Staters” are the biggest threat to the state and thet she wished to restrict their freedoms in an attempt to make FSP participants leave New Hampshire.

A Petition for Redress of Grievances has begun circulating on the internet and requests that Rep. Chase be censured and/or impeached. The Petition at (full url reads:

Whereas State Representative Cynthia Chase has stated, she wants “to pass measures that will restrict the ‘freedoms’ that [Free Staters] think they will find here,” and
Whereas this shows her intent to enact laws to interfere with protected rights, and
Whereas her intent is to harm a specific group of people, and
Whereas her statements are in violation of the “Equal Protection Clause” of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of these United States of America;

Be it resolved, that we, the undersigned call for the immediate censure of Representative Chase from the General Court, and
Be it resolved, that we, the undersigned call for impeachment proceedings against Representative Chase, and
Be it resolved, that we, the undersigned request the General Court take any additional actions against Representative Chase that the General Court sees fitting.