Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree Surpasses 20,000 Views on YouTube!

PosterIt's just days before the real-life premiere and "Derrick J's Victimless Crime Spree" has exceeded 20,000 views on YouTube in just over a month since its release.  The feature-length documentary was shot primarily in Keene, NH and chronicles the first year of Derrick J's activism here.  The film is packed with exciting footage and insightful commentary.  The YouTube statistics are a testament to the movie's popularity with viewers as it currently has 589 likes and only 31 dislikes!

The real-life premiere is happening this Saturday, 9/15 at 9:45am at Keene Cinemas.  Admission is free and will be first-come-first-serve.  After the movie there will be a Q&A with Derrick J, executive producer Ian Freeman and editor Beau Davis.  We'll be giving away an exclusive, autographed movie poster to a lucky winner and following that, there will be a bring-your-own lunch at Ashuelot Park.  Details on this Facebook event.

Announcing The NH Liberty Party – the Newest Political Party in NH!

There is a brand new political party that has been formed for the purpose of promoting NH’s secession from the feds and personal liberty – the New Hampshire Liberty Party! Please check out the party platform and sign up as a member online! You can also like the public facebook page at NH Liberty Party.

Membership is free and the party does not accept contributions.

Here’s the press release announcing the party from co-chair Darryl Perry:

Keene, NH – On September 1, 2012 the NH Liberty Party held an organizational meeting. During this meeting the bylaws of the party were adopted. Included in the adopted bylaws is a five plank platform that can never be modified.

The NH Liberty Party supports secession for New Hampshire and believe individuals have the same right to declare themselves independent from any government. (more…)

Win an exclusive, autographed 24×36″ movie poster!

PosterCONTEST TIME! Anyone who contributes $5 to our chip-in below will get a ticket entered in our raffle to win a Derrick J-autographed 24×36″ movie poster! ($10 contributions will get 3 raffle tickets, and any multiple of $10 will get 3 tickets per $10) Anyone who has already chipped-in prior to this announcement will also be included in the raffle. The movie poster is the one you see in this post and there are only five of them being produced. Three will go to the movie’s production team and the other two will be those raffled. Winners will be drawn on September 15th – one after the Q&A session at the premiere and the online winner sometime later in the day.

Please “sponsor a seat” at the premiere event and get an entry (or more than one to increase your odds of winning) now via this chip-in:

Thank you from the DJVCS production team!