Rebel Love Show Ep 20 “In Satoshi’s Name”



Dr. Darren Tapp of NeoCash Radio stops by the Rebel Love Studios and drops some bitcoin bombs.  Topics discussed include how Darren first became interested in bitcoin, personal experiences transferring money with and with out bitcoin, and the preferred use of bitcoin among the liberty community here in the Shire.  Every Rebel Love Show episode is available at  Show archives are also available on itunes, stitcher, and youtube.

Libertarian Party sues NH Secretary of State over ballot access law

Courthouse StepsThe NHCLU filed suit today against Secretary of State Bill Gardner over a ballot access law that makes it more difficult for parties other than the protected two to get on the ballot.

A press release written by Gilles Bissonnette, Staff Attorney for the New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union reads, in part:

[T]he NHCLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Libertarian Party challenging HB1542. HB1542 is a new state law passed this year that imposes onerous restrictions on the ability of third parties to gain access to the ballot in future elections. This law limits voter choice and stacks the deck against candidates who—like roughly 40% of Granite Staters—don’t belong to a major party. HB1542 is wrong and unconstitutional. (more…)

Bitcoin Makes Sentinel Front Page, Above-the-Fold!

BitcoinThanks to the Keene Sentinel’s Martha Shanahan for her feature article about local bitcoin-accepting businesses that appears on the front page of today’s Keene Sentinel, above-the-fold!  She interviews the operators of Corner News, Stone Farm Bed and Breakfast, Moda Suo, and Carroll Garden Center regarding their experiences as local businesses accepting bitcoin.

Bitcoin is a decentralized currency and financial transaction network that is changing the world.  One bitcoin is worth over $600 at the time of this writing.  As time goes on, more merchant solutions are being released that are making accepting bitcoin at brick-and-mortar business easier and easier.  These local businesses are the pioneers in this space.  How exciting that bitcoin is being used in Keene!

If you’re on facebook, join up with the Keene Bitcoin Network!

Here’s the Sentinel’s story:

As Silicon Valley investors and currency speculators continue to keep their sights — and dollars — fixed on Bitcoin, a small number of Monadnock Region businesses are dipping their toes in the water to experiment with the electronic currency.


When someone comes into the Corner News in Keene interested in buying something with Bitcoin — about three or four times a week, owner Roberta Mastrogiovanni said — both parties whip out their smartphones. (more…)

Columnist Fears 200 FSP State Representatives, Eventually

nhcm_masthead[1]In a wonderful hitpiece that appears in the Concord MonitorMatt Murray, the creator and editor of NH Labor News acknowledges the significance of the Free State Project.  He predicts that after 20,000 move here that we could have 200 state representatives!  What a pleasant vision for the future.  Thanks, Matt, for proving, again, that the FSP is the greatest (peaceful) threat to the statist quo!  Here’s his guest column for the Monitor:


We are well into the 2014 election season, and there’s a lot at stake. (more…)

Free Manchester Raw Youtube channel

Myself,  fellow Free Keene blogger Joel Valenzuela, activist Andrew Vermiglio (Shire Dude), and other Manchester activists have been uploading content to our raw unedited youtube channel called Free Manchester Raw.  Some video is great for stock footage other content covers activism and life in from our perspectives living in Manchester and traveling the Shire.  All content that we upload is intended to be used by any one who wishes to edit videos.  Below are playlist from the last two DUI check point Cop Blocking efforts in Manchester as well as footage taken at Porcfest 2014 and Operation Arcadia – NH Independence.

Porcfest playlist:
