I encountered and filmed an arrest (purportedly for a license issue) in Manchester’s West Side, at the intersection of Granite and Main. Bystanders were initially hostile to our filming, but when we explained about Cop Block and that we were just trying to hold police accountable and make sure they didn’t perpetrate any abuse, they became very supportive. Score one for the good guys.
In New Hampshire, one need not look far to find imperial politicians going about their campaigning in the streets. This does not make it any easier to attain straight answers from the candidates, as we see presented in this week’s episode in varying degrees. Jeanne Shaheen, Scott Brown, and Jim Rubens, all candidates for federal senate committee face the hot lens of another episode of AKPF #1.
0:00 – Cheshire TV opening warning disclaimer
0:10 – Citizens for a Strong New Hampshire promotional video segment
1:40 – Behind the scenes with Strong
3:27 – Scott Brown consumes local fare of Lindy’s Diner
7:59 – Obamacoin for donation to the anti-Obama campaign
9:05 – Jim Rubens asked question11:59 – Vermin Supreme’s strong plan
12:05 – Scott Olsen discusses OPD re-hiring murderous police who shot him in the head and threw a grenade at first responders surrounding his limp body
15:02 – Arrested on Election Eve
17:02 – DMV allows recording as a matter of policy, but nobody knows
22:31 – More from Slavoj Zizek on ideology and atheism
28:50 – Cheshire TV end warning disclaimer
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 – Residency & Registration, two victimless crimes. Darryl seeks to defend himself against the charges, but Judge Burke takes the case under advisement. Here is the full video, with picture-in-picture of the Judge’s face.
This week’s intriguing installment takes us yet again in a Keene courtroom, this time the Superior branch as Rich Paul stands trial on alleged violations of probation. Accused of possessing a weapon and having a biological system saturated with tetrahydrocannabinol, state actors tried long and hard to succeed on both counts. With an AKPF #1 producer as a witness and a seasoned public defender as his attorney, Rich was ultimately successful in defeating all weapons charges levelled against him. There was no denying the THC saturation, and the judge ultimately sentenced Rich to six months at the Cheshire Spiritual Retreat on those grounds, though remarkably with the liberating condition of probation termination after service of that sentence. Concluding the episode is a sign wave outside of the jail featuring Oscar the dog.
Should civil disobedience disqualify a person from putting a gun in his pocket?
Because of my Victimless Crime Spree, the Keene Police are now denying me a Concealed Carry License. I am appealing, and a hearing will be set sometime in the next two weeks. I’ve hired rockstar attorney Evan Nappen to help me. You can help cover the cost of his services by donating here: http://GoFundMe.com/GunRights or by sending bitcoin here: 17CMtf86297jB7sdDDqUH51Xy7xkkwcT4a
This Friday was an eventful night. First, a man was arrested for honking his horn in support of activists. Then, my friends and I are threatened with arrest while trying to bail him out. He’s now sitting in jail for the weekend, and his car was impounded. The tow truck man accepted an offer by an activist to pay to tow the guy’s car to his home, but the police threatened to revoke the tow truck man’s contract with the city if he did.
The whole idea about police is that “society” gives up some rights and freedoms to a small group of people in order to gain some safety. The problem is that the people who are willing to give up their freedoms are already well behaved, and the people who behave badly are attracted to power. This arrangement turns a populations of good people into easy prey for tyrants, knowingly or unknowingly. Illustrated here:
Subscribe to my personal youtube channel DerrickJLive for all the raw videos, or just FR33MANTV if you want to see only the polished ones. More of everything at DerrickJ.me