How I went from atheist to minister in the Shire Free Church.

Ian_FancyThis lengthy post is basically a partial biography and tells my story in some detail about my path to liberty and spirituality:

I just can’t do it anymore.  I have had enough of paying for this inhumane and insane state system.

It’s more than just a system – “the state” is a belief system and a religion.  It is an evil religion that masquerades as though it is good.

Of course, I didn’t always think like this.

I suppose I should start at the beginning.  Probably like you, I attended state-run school while growing up.  They told me I was “gifted” – a designation that to this day I find ridiculous – so I went to the state school where the other “gifted” students went.  School still sucked, but I had no idea how much worse it was at the other schools as I was insulated at the institution that was generally inhabited by the kids of the elite, though there were exceptions, including me.  My family were middle class Presbyterians. (more…)

CoK Publishes AKPF Photo Album

2013_08_12_rhphoto_015bOn the date of Robin Hood of Keene’s evidentiary hearing this past Monday, the Merry People were provided with what may otherwise be considered a friendship gesture, in the form of a photo album organized by the bureaucrats of the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene (Official DPRK). The album, much like the video that they played in court, in many ways violates the best evidence rule, as an upcoming video will address. It’s also worth noting the lack of an adblock program on DPRK computer machines — how obsolete! In the meantime, enjoy perusing the album created by the city and also enjoy this summary video of Pete Eyre’s testimony at Monday’s hearing. The video below will be airing in this upcoming week’s AKPF #1 timeslot. (more…)

City Appeals Smoke Alarm Case, Spends Hundreds on Transcript

smokeDetector[1]The assistant city attorney from the “City of Keene” is now appealing their smoke alarm case to the Supreme Court. The Keene district court recently tossed out the city’s case against me because the city agents violated their own RSAs, which prohibit the fire chief from inspecting single family or duplex homes. Now, because they hate to lose and have plenty of your tax dollars to spend, the assistant attorney, Leon I. Goodwin III has filed a “mandatory appeal” and ordered up a $275 transcript of the two-hour hearing in district court on the validity of the original inspection warrant.

Here’s Goodwin’s appeal filing with the Supreme Court, which includes the transcript order form. (more…)

Cheshire TV Stars Meet in Series Crossover

While Robin Hooding this past Saturday in Keene, there was much Cheshire TV series crossover occuring, as Merry person Garret was joined by Black Sheep Rising producer and 2013_08_10_ji_akpf1co-host Conan, as well as the mute miniature pinscher co-host Ji. Fans of the AKPF #1 series would be familiar with the parking enforcers who star in the program. The after-hours mature talk show, Black Sheep Rising, is well known for its mascot studio dog Jioto, or more simply known as Ji. While Ji was actively participating in Robin Hooding for most of the day, he did take a break to beg the friendly parking enforcer for treats. AKPF agent Jane satisfied his request before the impassioned young canine set back out to filling expired meters for his hominid comrades.

Robin Hood Trial Coverage in Sentinel, UL

In a front-page story from the Keene Sentinel, as well as a small article in today’s Union Leader, the legal saga of Keene’s Robin Hood is documented.2013_08_13_robinhoodsentinel

Spending seven hours in a courthouse is seldom entertaining, but during the Robin Hood of Keene trial which occupied the entirety of Monday, the proceedings maintained general lighthearted hilarity. Attorney Jon Meyer represented five of the six accused of filling meters as part of a conspiracy theory hatched by Prince John and Jester Mullins. Despite fairly condemning affidavits filed by parking enforcement officers alleging harassment, the one full and one partial testimony from parking enforcers honestly relayed that Robin Hooders’ interactions with them are fairly innocuous. For example, all enforcer affidavits claim Robin Hooders invade the personal space of enforcers, yet when asked on the stand if anyone present in the courtroom had bumped into or initiated unprivileged physical contact, parking enforcer Linda affirmed one incident and identified a member of the courtroom audience who was not even named in the lawsuit. (more…)