Sedition is Sexy Episode 1: Introduction

This is my first episode of my new show Sedition Is Sexy where I introduce myself! Look for an episode at the least each week! I look forward to your comments and observations!

Adam Vs The DerrickJ Interview


Today I will be the first-ever Skype call-in guest on the Adam Vs The Man Podcast. This is more or less a practice for Adam with using the equipment and making sure that everything will work when “real guests” come on. But for the meantime, I’m happy to get the exposure. I expect it will be a good interview. Folks can watch live on uStream from 12 noon to 12:15pm.

I will be discussing my documentary, Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree and about my self-imposed Exile Tour. As I travel the continent with my video camera and microphone, I’ll be documenting individuals who are achieving freedom today and blogging about them on and also my website, I’ll be reporting on individuals who have declared their independence from a man who created his own independent local silver-backed currency to a woman who is creating life-sustaining gardens in city flats.

Currently I am working as the Producer of the Adam Vs The Man Newscast. As part of that job, I am assembling a team of comedy writers to report on the days’ news. I am running auditions currently and can’t wait to work with the writers to produce the pilot episode which will be September 27th, 2012. We go live October 8th, 2012.

I Am Caged But None Of Us Are Free

This blog was originally posted at, and was written by Ademo Freeman from Valley Street Jail. 

Before coming to jail, I used a song and some clips my friend Clyde Voluntaryist put together called, “None of us are free, one of us is caged.” More recently, I received a letter from a person I’ve never met who credited the “Free Ademo” movement for bringing him and his friends to the concept of Voluntaryism. Jay, the man who sent me such letter, stated, “We are no more free than you, except that our cage has a larger roaming ground and aims to be more subtle.”

Before I elaborate more on that statement, I’d like to thank everyone who made this interaction possible. The “Free Ademo” movement is something I can not take credit for. It’s something y’all have done, and done extremely well. Be proud of yourselves as I’m sure ‘Jay and his friends’ are not the only one’s you’ve touched.

Back to the issue at hand – freedom. As I sit in my jail cell, writing this on the lamest excuse for a desk combined with some of the most ridiculous rules you’d ever hear, it’s obvious I am not free. That I am in fact caged and basically the slave of my captors. But what about you?

Are you free? If society was as clearly controlled at the setting I currently live in, would you tolerate it with the same compliance as you do current day-to-day life?

Let me expand a little more on what I’m trying to say. In my jail cell, all movements are controlled. When I was taken to court for my trial, in order to leave my unit I had to have my jail ID. To leave the jail, I had to have the proper paperwork. Some may say that’s understandable because I’m an inmate, but how is that any different from those who are not incarcerated? In order to leave your house, you need a government driver’s license – which is the exact same size as my jail ID. Of course, you can walk without it, unless you’re stopped and questioned by the police. Then, like me when I roam the jail as their worked, you must produce such identification in order to end the involuntary interaction. Even if you have the ID, states require you to have some sort of registration. Sounds very similar to the paperwork required to transport me.

Look at it from another angle and you get the same effect. Everything in my possession (ie, in my jail cell) must be jail issued. I’m told how many razors, toothbrushes and even how much food I can have in my possession. There is a whole chapter in the handbook dedicated to what I can possess while caged here. Again, many will say, “What do you expect?” or, the common line on the inside is, “Welcome to jail.” Is this really all that different from those outside of jail, though?

In some states you’re told how many guns or ammunition for those guns you can possess. Even possession of a medication can land you in the cell next to mine without proper paperwork – as in, some state licensed doctor’s permission slip. For me, if a cellmate gives me an extra soup or shirt and I don’t possess the proper proof, I can be written up or taken to the hole. Some governments – state or local – go as far as to tell you how many cars, trees, or animals  you can have on “your” property. There have even been stories of people being charged or harassed for painting their house a certain color, or for refusing to move a piece of property (Ian’s couch, for example) from their own property.

I could go on and on about the control, oppression, and restrictions put on people every day. The point Jay reminded me of is simple: Your jail might be bigger, your chains invisible, but they’re restraining you just the same as mine. Yes, we’re all oppressed and it’s not getting any better. When will we break these chains?

DerrickJ’s Community Service Begins

Re-posted from

A few posts back I mentioned that Adam Kokesh asked me to work with him on a new project in DC this September. I’m 110% game for that, but if I’m going to commit, I need to finish my community service in the Shire so that I don’t go to prison for 3 years!

Today I awoke in Keene, in the Shire, after taking a bus trip from Philadelphia to NYC, and then NYC to Keene. About an hour from this writing, I will be starting my new community service role at the Community Kitchen here in Keene. I spoke with two of the ladies who run the show over there, and it seems like they will have a lot of work for me to do, which is great! I have 124 hours to complete to satisfy Judge Burke, and I only have about 3 weeks to do it all!