Watch and be amused by the antics of these federal cops and security guard. As usual, they attempt to intimidate and give orders, but for the most part, photographer Carlos Miller was not having it and does not obey. They end up all backing down. It helps, as evidenced, to have more than one cameraman on hand if you are going to attempt recording around the police:
To all my friends and acquaintances who are struggling for Freedom elsewhere, and see little progress:
As many of you may be aware, I have long since become disillusioned with the political process, and prefer to do my pro-Freedom activism in the social and economic realm. That being said, and while I encourage people to do the same, I don’t denigrate the efforts of those principled activists who remain in the political front of the battle–I have said for years that the correct strategy for winning this fight is to push on multiple fronts simultaneously. Our opponents are unskilled and incompetent (which is why they resort to Gooferment for their employment), and are severely unbalanced when attempting to focus on more than one line of attack. (more…)
Thanks to KPD for leaving this fall’s Free Keene Fest alone – if only they’d done the same to the cub scouts and homeless shelter the day prior. Anyway, Free Keene Fest was a great time, and here’s a pic courtesy of Puke. You can see more of his photos of the event here. It hearkens to one of my favorite movies ever and makes me wonder, not for the first time, “Is Keene Pleasantville?”
If you haven’t seen Pleasantville, I highly recommend you do so! Here’s the trailer: (more…)
It wasn’t long ago that Free Keene originated the release of the Epub and Kindle versions of Dr. Mary Ruwart’s excellent book, “Healing Our World”. Now we have even bigger news that will help spread her awesome book as far as possible, now into ears instead of just eyes – the ’90s edition of “Healing Our World” is now available in audio form thanks to Dr. Ruwart and S. Adam Shahid, who is the voice of the book.
“Healing Our World” is eye-opening, mind-expanding, and persuasive – Dr. Mary Ruwart shows how force has dangerous unintended consequences, and how only by honoring our neighbor’s choices will we solve the world’s problems.