Upset about Ademo’s conviction? Do Something!

Upset about the Ademo decision?
Don’t just cuss and moan, DO something.

Next step, The House Criminal Justice committee is taking is THIS WEDNESDAY.
An Interim Study subcommittee on HB 553 has been scheduled for Wednesday August 15 at 10am in LOB 208 (facebook event)

The subcommittee’s task is to study the bill and recommend to the full committee that it is either Recommended for Future Legislation or Not Recommended for Future Legislation. As the bill makes numerous changes to the wiretapping statute, it may be helpful to consult RSA 570-A for comparison.

Rep. Mark Warden, who attended Ademo’s trial, is the chairman of this subcommittee. He says: “If you come, we’ll hear your testimony. There is some desire within the legislature to clear up this horrible statute, but nobody has found a solid solution in the language. Additionally, many legislators love Big Brother, er, I mean big government, and kowtow to what the Attorney General’s office and other law enforcement types say. And, of course, _they_ want everything to be illegal — it means job security for them.”

This is just another step in the process, but today’s verdict shows reform is needed, not merely theory…

Can’t make it to Concord on Wednesday?,
Send an email (if you LIVE in NH) to:

cc your own Reps, (also candidates for those seats in the upcoming election)
CC: your Senator (and the candidates for next session) too
And don’t forget to Cc the House Leadership
Majority Leader:
Minority Leader:





[And if you don’t yet live in NH, why the heck not? Move. (Oh, wait, that was Ademo being told he should move away… ironic, huh?)
Try this Move.  Ah, much better.]

Activist Arrested for Borat Bathing Suit

A few weeks ago, Asbury Park, NJ made national news as a former city councilor called for the enforcement of an ordinance banning wearing swimsuits on the boardwalk. Liberty activists from the area organized a swimsuit-wearing civil disobedience event in response. The event transpired despite town officials promising the ordinance will not be enforced, as it had not been.

However, during the event, Steven Ettinger was arrested for allegedly exposing his genitals as he bent over in a Borat-style swimsuit. Chris Cantwell of Marlborough was there with his camera:

SCOTUS: Another Disappointment from the Men in Robes

Well, Obama has won the battle for mandatory healthcare in the US. SCOTUS has let the people down again. It is burning me up that most people disagree with this law, but since the Obama administration has labeled it a tax, SCOTUS upheld the law. Had the administration not labeled it a tax, it would have been a violation of the Commerce Clause and would have been struck down. This would and could have been a win for Freedom, but SCOTUS and POTUS don’t give a crap about the people nor do they care about freedom. The US just gets less free and less free every day. Every one of us will be forced to purchase health insurance by 2014, I will not comply. Will you?

Mitt Romney comes out today and says the only way to repeal Obamacare is to elect Romney…hmm…guess he totally forgot Romneycare! What an ass! He should be in the Democratic party, since he plays the same shit they do! Actually, there is zero difference between any of the crappy, fascist politicians and bureaucrats under them. Woe to us all!

Republicans are going to try once again to repeal Obamacare in a few weeks at the start of the next legislative session. How many times are they going to try this and fail? LOL, maybe they should have thought of that before nominating (soon to be official) Mitt Romney. Such hypocrisy! Why do people still fail to see the hypocrisy that is almost slapping them in the face? Argh, the American masses are doomed.

Tiananmen Square Massacre

Have you ever seen a person run over by a tank? If you are old enough you would have seen this happen in Tiananmen Square in China 23 years ago. I was just a young girl when I sat horrified watching this unfold on the tv screen. I had never seen anything like it. I never imagined that a government could do such a thing. This incident was televised all over the world and painted the Chinese government for the thugs and murderers they were and still are. Fast forward 23 years and governments haven’t gotten any better, only worse. Now people have to worry about unmanned drones flying over their houses and killing them all. Boeing is developing the next generation of drones: Vulture solar drone that stays in air for 5 yearsPolice brutality is on the rise everywhere. The u.s. congress and the president have enacted more draconian laws such as NDAA. The u.s. is currently still engaged in two failed wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is fear mongering and war rhetoric in reference to Iran and now Syria.  I thought the Tianenman Square incident was the worst it could get. Goodness me, how was I so wrong?

On a happier note, today marks the 13th birthday of my wonderful nephew Llandry! Happy Birthday! Aunt Ellie loves you!