Trial Scheduled for Sam: 6/15, 1:30pm ET


Mark your calendar. A trial has been scheduled for Sam on 6/15 at 1:30pm in Keene District Court. (2nd Floor, 3 Washington St., Keene, NH 03431)

Word is Ivy sent notice to the city manager and council as well as some other bureaucrats to let them know they will be held liable under some federal code about deprivation of rights (USC 1983) for every day they have been complicit in holding Sam. A couple of days later, a trial has been magically scheduled.

Sam is expected to call tonight’s Free Talk Live.

Also, if you were witness to Sam’s arrest and willing to testify at trial, please post to the trial discussion thread.

Sam’s response to “Sit Down and Shut Up”

I’m writing in response to Keene Sentinel columnist Michael Schuman’s story titled “Will the Free Staters Please Sit Down?” I must admit, a couple of years ago, before coming to understand the message of liberty, I would have agreed with Schuman’s opinions.

Schuman’s views are consistent with what many would describe as main stream America. Unfortunately many of his ideas are based in ignorance and misunderstanding that stems from a lack of critical thinking. Like most of us, Schuman probably attended government indoctrination centers where school children are taught to stand on their X, respect authority, and do as you’re told without question.

Take a look at the pledge of allegiance. How many other countries have one? How many of you know it was written by Fancis Bellamy, a National Socialist (Nazi) flag salesman, to “instill a strong belief in the state.” Dont believe me? Look it up on the internet. You’re likely to find the same picture I did of school children doing a Roman salute – the same one Hitler’s army used – before that was changed after WWII.

Schuman’s description of a classical libertarian is severely flawed and his examples display an ignorance of private property vs. individual rights.


Sam’s Jail Blog: Thursday, May 28

Thursday, May 28:

Hello everyone! I’ve taken a few days off from the blog posts to do some internal spiritual development. I’ve also been working out 1-2 hours a day and eating lots of food to replenish my body’s natural reserves and begin building back the ~15 pounds of muscle I lost. The workouts wipe me out, so I’ve also been sleeping an hour or two during the day.

I’m writing primarily to say “Thank you!” to everyone who contributed to getting me on Freedom Watch. I feel like the interview went very well. On my end it seemed like it was over in 2 minutes! Time flies when having fun. I heard about an email Shelly Roche sent out to 20,000 Break The Matrix viewers, that was titled “The Camera Is the New Gun.” That’s such a true statement. Cameras combined with new technology and the power of the internet is reshaping society in the same way the printing press reshaped society in ways few peasants could even imagine.

Again, thank you all for working so hard to bring my situation to the attention of Freedom Watch. I think it’s going to bring a lot more national attention to what’s happening in the Free State.

I have several more stores, and I’ll get back to them soon. The self development and insights about myself are incredibly valuable and need to take priority. I’m also getting indications that my time here is coming to a close in the next week or two. I don’t know how exactly, all I can say is it feels like I have learned what I came here to learn. It may be another month, maybe three, I’m content to wait if that’s the case. I could be misinterpreting all the little signals the universe has been sending me, but if I’m correct, I’ll be seeing everyone soon without the glass partition in something other than orange.


Sam’s Jail Blog: Tuesday, May 19

Tuesday, May 19:

On “The Hill” at the Cheshire County Correctional Facility.
The Hill, as they call it, is working on the dairy farm, reportedly owned by the jail. I was wrong in my original assumption. According to the other prisoners, no milk from the farm is used at the jail, and it’s sold at cost. Here’s where i gets interesting. The farm is run by Dave Potnam, a local selectman for Westmoreland. It appears at least on its surface to be another example of government granting monopoly privilege to the bureaucrats’ friends and family – or themselves in this case.

I’m left wondering what his management fee is for a farm that requires no personal investment of his own for equipment, seed stock, facilities, repairs, etc. He gets the benefit of a paycheck – I wonder how much – without any of the risks other farmers take, while getting a never ending supply of free slave labor from the jail.