FreeKeene’s Ian Guest Hosts on WKBK’s “Talkback”

radiotower.jpgThis morning, I appeared on WKBK’s “Talkback” with Cynthia Georgina to discuss the Free State Project. We ended up discussing a variety of other things as well over the two hours and heard from supportive callers as well as some very angry authoritarians! Download the MP3. As you listen, you may notice that there is an occasional bit of missing audio. This is because the board operator was dumping three second blocks of speech including words like “hell” and “damn”.

Thanksgiving Day West 2007

Free Staters and other liberty activists gathered together to celebrate Thanksgiving 2007 at the Lauren Canario household in Winchester, NH!

New Hampshire Primary Officially Set For Jan 8

“Secretary of State Bill Gardner has just announced that the first in the nation primary will be held on Jan. 8.”

I would, of course, encourage supporters to continue spreading the message of Ron Paul through road signs, pamplets, business cards, etc. We should gather interest on people willing to hold signs outside of polling locations in Keene.

FreeKeene’s Ian Calls WKBK’s “Talkback”

radiotower.jpgThis morning, I called “Talkback” to discuss voluntary interaction, Social Security, and Cheshire TV. Download the MP3. Please note, that when I said “I don’t want to live in Keene”, I meant “I don’t have to live in Keene”. Ideas don’t always communicate effectively via stream of consciousness. In case I was not clear, I love living in Keene!