Free Speech a Criminal Act in New Hampshire?

RiveraAs announced on last night’s Free Talk Live, the Keene city prosecutor, Sgt. Eliezer Rivera has sent me threatening paperwork where he is requesting that Keene District Court force me into a hearing which could result in the suspended sentence I was given being revoked, thereby landing me back in jail for 90 days. Why? Apparently because I sent out Andrew Carroll’s press release in regards to this past Saturday’s marijuana protest, blogged about it, atttended, videotaped it, and because I had Andrew on Saturday night’s Free Talk Live.

Here is the threatening “Motion to Show Cause” from Mr. Rivera in PDF form.

So, because I engaged in freedom of speech, I’m now a criminal? How many others will they target over this? Free Minds TV, the NH Free Press, and NH Capitol Access were also “promoting” the event. What about the other attendees? Are they at risk as well? Does Rivera realize that in his attempts to intimidate NH’s liberty activist community, he will only create more peaceful disobedience and outrage?

Is he scaring you, or is he making you more determined to get active and if you’re not yet here in NH, to get here sooner?

Sam from the Obscured Truth Network is helping me work up a “Motion to Quash” this nonsense. Will post more later.

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