WBZ TV in Boston Reports on Keene’s 4:20 Cannabis Celebrations

cannabisI have no way to embed the video, but thanks to WBZ’s Dawn Hasbrouck for this video report. Here’s the text version of the story which includes a link to Free Keene!

Advocates for the decriminalization of marijuana gathered in Keene, New Hampshire on Monday in Central Square to try and get their message heard. The crowd has grown from about 20 people to about 100 since the group began gathering on Tuesday. Many of them are smoking pot right out in the open.

They’ve gathered at 4:20 p.m. every day, a significant time in the cannabis culture. “We want to bring this message of freedom to as many people around the world as possible,” said Ian Freeman, who is a blogger on FreeKeene.com.

“We’re actually gonna come out here in public and make it known how we feel and put pressure on the politicians,” says Andrew Carroll, another protester who plans to run for office in 2010.

Local businesses owners have been watching the daily protest. “(The) problem that I have with it is the fact that they’re breaking the law and they’re doing it on purpose,” says Clark Anderson of CC&H Cigars.

George Benik, who owns The Stage Restaurant, says some of them have eaten at his restaurant. “You know, I think people are voicing their opinion and they should have their own opinion on what they believe.”

Police say the protesters are not breaking the law because the gathering is legal, but the pot smoking is not. Lieutenant Jay Duguay says trying to find the pot smokers can be difficult. “There’s probably some level of marijuana use in the crowd. They’re also smoking other things that might mask that,” he says.

Officers have made one arrest for possession of marijuana.

The group plans to move their protest to Manchester, New Hampshire soon.

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