RAW VIDEOS: Activist Kurt Hoffman Arrested for Contempt of Court / EMS Camera Crackdown & Theft

Recorded as it happened and unedited. The jumps in the beginning are me hitting the pause button on the camera. Kurt was sentenced to 180 days in jail for attempting to converse with Edward Burke, the robed man calling himself a judge.

Here is the audio file of him being held in contempt.

Cheshire sheriffs demand we not record as Kurt Hoffman who minutes before was incapacitated by Eli Rivera, Keene PD’s prosecutor, is wheeled out from Keene District Court on a stretcher. They claim some words on paper called “HIPA” prevent the “free press” from recording people receiving medical care, even if the recipient requests cameras present:

Did you know that EMS workers are also now enforcers of some arbitrary words on paper called “HIPA”? (I didn’t – I thought they were good people who do their best to help. Guess that’s not true of all of them.) EMS workers and sheriffs claim that “HIPA” allows them to prevent you from recording video of what they do with patients. Apparently it doesn’t matter what the patient wants. Watch as this thug steals my camera. I then spent over an hour of my time waiting around to get it back. Watch for another angle and longer video coming from ObscuredTruth.com soon here at FreeKeene.com

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