Horrific Drug Prohibition Violence In Keene

Peter Brigham said he had a lot of time to think with his nose pressed to his carpet, arms and legs duct taped together, watching two men rifle through his belongings Tuesday night.

They woke me up, and told me to lie face down on the bed, and I won’t get hurt,” Brigham recalled. “I followed instructions best I could.” The robbers, clad in black masks, were armed, one with a pistol, the other a baseball bat. The men were wearing camouflage pants and hooded sweatshirts, Brigham said.

“”They duct taped my hands together and then my feet and then locked them together, kind of like hog-tying,” Brigham said.

And why was this innocent man victimized?

They stole Brigham’s insulin syringes, some money, his wife’s jewelry and their television.

The jewelry is off to the pawn shop… as is the television.  The money it fetches will be combined with the other money these people stole from this elderly man.  The insulin syringes will be used by these criminals to inject the heroin they are going to purchase with the money they managed to get from committing this violent crime.  The heroin is addictive and expensive so expect this to happen again once these guys need money for more.

These crimes could be eliminated if there was a place a drug addict could go to obtain the drugs they need to survive.  Such a place could focus on reducing the amount of drugs an individual uses whereas a drug dealer simply wants to sell more.  Drug dealers would go out of business if they didn’t have repeat customers looking for more heroin.  They would not be able to support their business if they only relied on first time customers.

Thank the government for the “War on Drugs” for the victimization of this innocent man.  He’s lucky he’s not dead.

The Union Leader article I quoted from is here.

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