I’ve Been Called Out…

For taking such a firm stance on people thinking threats of violence against public officials is funny or a joke. It isn’t. At all. You don’t do it, ever.

Why? Well a friend of mine, and a known active-duty federal agent in libertarian circles, summed it up rather eloquently:

Perceived as a threat? Remember, we’re talking about the man who swore upon his office that Ademo threatened him about a ruling he had made, when there wasn’t even any implication that something bad could happen to him.

(Adam Mueller) was asking legitimate questions in a perfectly civil way, yet got thrown in jail for “threatening” Burke. You think he won’t use any trolling or joking as evidence that he’s right?

Remember, Burke is a collectivist. He thinks we’re all one blob-like entity, acting in union. He has zero understanding of individualism. His fellow judges are pretty much of like mind, so some seemingly harmless anonymous comment on a blog, in their minds, is the same as Brad or Jason directly threatening them.”

Remember also, the people breaking the law and Constitution are the only ones who can use violence, not only to solve problems, but to make you respect them.

Burke has the legal right under state law not to be threatened in this manner. He also has legal rights under the 5th Amendment to the Federal Constitution and Part I, Article 15 of the New Hampshire Constitution that I hope are read to him rather soon.

Demand government accountability!

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