Manchester liberty activist Liberty Carrots is currently standing in front of the TSA checkpoint at Manch airport with a rifle slung to his back. Â He is handing out copies of the FPP newspaper and greeting travelers with a smile and wave.
Carrots’ creative, courageous activism is not the first at Manch airport. Â Longtime readers of Free Keene may recall in 2012 when Keene activists Derrick J and Kelly went to Manchester airport to strip down in protest of the invasive TSA, in their “Don’t Strip Our Rights” events.
Plus, back before Free Keene even existed, early mover and civil disobedience activist Russell Kanning was arrested at the airport for trying to board a flight with no ID, a Bible, and a copy of the declaration of independence!
Free Keene blogger Robert Mathias took this photo and says video is to come – stay tuned to Free Keene for the latest!