Detained in Manchester over a license plate light bulb.

While on our way home from a friends party with the co-host of the Rebel Love Show Ann Leverette, we were pulled over by a Manchester police cruiser. The reason for the detention was over a light bulb that apparently went out above the government issued identification plate on the back of my car. Mind you, I have been pulled over many times by Manchester PD at this point. I am assuming it is because of the philosophical stickers on the rear bumper of the vehicle. What was odd this time was that there was a NH State trooper with a Manchester police officer. Both officers have “lively” conversations with me. At the end of the video, I get the Manchester police officer to admit he would gladly “arrest” me over a light bulb if I didn’t pay his boss a ticket of $44.64. I do plan to fight this ticket in court and will update on the results. Just like life, use this video as a learning hospital. How did I handled these two people that had detained us over a light bulb? What should I have done differently?

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