Candy Tax not very sweet

CandySometimes you have to wonder what some folks under the golden dome in Concord are smoking. Why do so many reps have an “I have to save the world” complex?

What I’m talking about is one of the stupidest bills I’ve ever seen-a bill to tax candy. Not just tax it, but create an entire new taxation system supposedly to fund education but it seems to your humble narrator that the costs of compliance and enforcement will be far greater than the revenue.

Get this: Rep. Catherine Mulholland,Democrat (that figures) of Grafton has proposed a 50 cent per pound tax on candy-but like the informercials say “but wait, there’s more!”. She doesn’t stop there.

The bill would require tax stamps similar to those on tobacco products. This forces retailers to buy and affix a stamp to every piece of candy-like they don’t have anything better to do. What about bulk candy in theaters or supermarkets? What about candy machines? Penny Candy? What about ice cream with candy mixed in? Is a chocolate covered cookie candy or not? Caramel Apples? I can see it now…”tonight on Dateline NBC, to catch a candy smuggler!”

Pretty obvious Rep. Mulholland didn’t bother to put the old grey matter in Drive before scribbling this tribute to stupidity.

She also wants to increase or create taxes on beer, tobacco, bottled beverages and admission tickets. I have no doubt she’ll think of more things soon. Stop her before she thinks again.

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