Keene City Councelors Consider MORE Property Control

A recent sentinel article outlines the basics of new proposed city ordinances to penalize property owners for such offenses such as “Letting an intoxicated person leave unaccompanied”, “Disorderly Conduct”, “Overcrowding” or more obscure offenses.

Landlords of numerous Keene properties say a proposed measure designed to curtail disorderly behavior in city neighborhoods would punish them unfairly rather than hold problematic tenants directly responsible.

Residents, meanwhile, say they want their neighborhoods cleaned up of drug and alcohol use, loud noise and cars parked on lawns, problems they say are getting worse.

City councilors, looking for the best solution, listened to both parties before deciding they needed to hear more.

The Keene City Council’s planning, licenses and development committee voted unanimously Wednesday night to recommend Mayor Philip Dale Pregent call a public hearing so that city staff and councilors may continue to prepare and refine the ordinance before ultimately voting on it.

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