Is Ignorance Really Bliss?

After writing several blog posts about how we live in a slave society, sometimes I wonder if I’d be personally better off if I could somehow return to that blissful ignorance of the inherent violence of statism. Maybe this struggle for freedom is a losing battle and we’d all be better off if we could just accept it and get on with our lives, just live the best slave lives possible. I was just chatting with the guy who inspired the Angry Josh character and he was expressing how he can’t believe most people aren’t as angry as he is. I think they are actually. They just don’t really understand what exactly they’re angry at.

I’ve watched my mom when she’s baby-sitting little children and they bump their noggin on something. My mom will smack the table and say “Bad table! Why’d you do that?” and then encourage the kid to do the same. The kid would slap the table angrily and quickly stop crying as if the pain has been relieved. Of course being the extremely rational type, I’m tempted to tell the kid “Watch where you’re going and you’ll have a lot less bumps on your head, dumbass,” but my mom realizes that toddlers aren’t ready for that level of logic. They’re just mad because they hurt.

(Read on…)

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