Sam Calls Free Talk Live and is Visited in Jail by Activists

First, grab this Friday’s episode of Free Talk Live and listen as Sam describes his situation for the first hour of the show. He is fasting but in relatively good shape after being injured by the court security bureaucrats on Monday. He has given up some info and is now in population with the other nonviolent inmates though still listed as “John Sam Doe”. Sam reports success in reaching his fellow inmates about liberty, relates a tale of compassion on the part of the jail’s violent offenders, and more. Also, today activists we able to visit Sam and nine of them came to the Cheshire County jail on just a few hours notice. Afterwards, the visitors walked around the outside of the jail’s perimeter holding signs, eliciting smiles, positive hand signals, and window banging from the inmates. Tomorrow, there is another protest scheduled at 2:45p for shift change at the jail as well as a candlelight vigil at Keene’s Central Sq. at 9pm.

Finally, here is some video of Sam, originally streamed live:

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