Sam’s New Visiting Hours & More

SamSam is now available for visitation Thursdays 7-9pm and Sundays 10a-11a (new time, see update below). He is being held in the gym now (where 26 other prisoners are living on cots and sharing one bathroom), which means he can walk outside into the fenced in yard at virtually anytime, though they will probably try to prevent that by locking the outer door if activists show up at the jail.

He asks people to contact state reps and senators to ask how they feel about him being locked up indefinitely as well as the NH supreme court justices and ask them what reason they have to delay a writ of habeas corpus? Do they not care about basic civil rights? He also requests that people around the country write letters to the editor about what is happening. One easy way to accomplish this might be to write a letter up and post in on the Free Keene Forum so others can copy it and put their names on them, then send them to their local papers.

Speaking of papers, I just got off the phone with a nice reporter from the Boston Globe. If they manage to not go out of business this week, this could be the story that breaks Sam’s situation into the mainstream media! Thanks to everyone who is contacting their favorite media and blogs about this outrageous story!

UPDATE: The jailers claim his hours are 10-11a on Sun, not 8-9a as Sam had told me today. Make of this what you will.

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