The Heartless NH Justice System, and the Bureaucrats Who Run it

While in the Cheshire County Jail, I requested to use the law library on a few occasions to defend myself. The requests were generally approved after anywhere from 3-8 days later after several follow-up requests, and in one case, a petition signed by 20 other prisoners.

Unfortunately the law library at the jail is severely deficient. The New Hampshire RSA set, updated last in ’94, has volumes missing. They have the RSA’s on one computer, which was down for weeks, but that doesn’t include much useful case law.

The Federal code volumes are from the 50’s and have more volumes missing than on the shelves. The NH court rules haven’t been updated since 1979, and that’s important because they have added hoops to jump through to call witnesses in your own defense, which are not even in the 1979 rules. The Keene city ordinances are nowhere in sight,  and several activists continue to be charged with them.

While in the Jail Richard Van Wickler said it’s not his responsibility, and that I should call the Public Defenders office because they maintain the law library, and they have assured him that it’s up to date.

Today I called and spoke with Jan who has managed the Public Defenders office for over 20 years.

Guess what, they have never been responsible for the law library at the jail. Jan told me the Public Defenders office is a private corporation, and has no formal relationship with the jail.

So then I called Count Attorney, Peter Heed’s office since he has a duty to ensure justice is done in every case before him. I spoke with his assistant Chloe, who got the question into Peter, and guess what. They don’t care either.

So then I called their county commissionerJack Wozmak, who is out of the office all week. His assistant Terry didn’t seem to concerned either.

What kind of people turn the other way while human beings are subjected to a process they don’t understand, not given any means to defend them selves, properly call witnesses, or research case law? (all the while personally profiting from others misfortune)

These people are facing the threat of having several years of their lives taken away, at a cost of over $15,000/year per person to taxpayers! Wouldn’t a compassionate society at least provide them the means to defend themselves?

The RSA’s can be download here.

The Court Rules can be downloaded here.

The Keene Ordinances can be viewed here.

Here‘s‘s the most basic list of what every Jail law library in NH should contain at a minimum. (put together by a private company)

And yes, this really is a simple as printing them out and putting them in the library or placing a copy on the jail computers.  What excuse could they possibly have for being over 3 decades behind on this? If you are outraged, then take a few minutes to let them know:

Rick Van Whckler, Jail Superintendent: (603) 283-3304

Peter Heed, County Attorney: (603) 352-0056

County Commissioners Homepage and Jack Wozmak’s, County Commissioner’s number (603) 352-8215

I doubt the situation is any different in other counties: John Lynch, “governor”  (603) 352-8215

Please let these people know that they are human beings and so are the “offenders”. Ask them if they would be okay if it was one of their family members being subjected to such treatment.  Do they simply not care, or pretend not to know while profiting off of others’ misfortune? After all, it’s not their loved ones, these people are “offenders” right? As “Captain” Colby told our caging section, “Your inmates, you don’t have rights.” Please take action now, there is no excuse for this.

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