Nashua 420 Leads to 3 Arrests

**Further video of these events will be posted in the coming days**
Three people, including one Keene activist, were arrested Saturday afternoon at a 420 rally.

The event, starting at 4:20 pm, was peaceful and drew a lot of local support for around 30 minutes. Locals even joined in the unusually large crowd of people gathered in downtown Nashua. Activists held signs and drew hundreds of honks of support from passers-by.

Suddenly, 30-40 minutes into the event, two plainclothes officers closed in on a 17 year old teenager and arrested him for possession of marijuana. The ensuing moments, which will be posted here and across the web in the form of many videos, included two more arrests, many more police cars, and an attack dog.

Preliminary video courtesy of Ridley Report

Both of the other arrests were for disorderly conduct. David Krouse sat down in front of a police car and was arrested. On the other hand, Catherine Bleish of the Liberty Restoration Project was arrested for allegedly not getting out of the road when she was ordered to. Despite that police were on both sides of the road with a lot of confusion going on.

– The young man arrested first was released to his family from Nashua PD
– David was released from the Nashua Police Dept with an April 1 arraignment.
– Catherine reportedly was not giving her fingerprints, which caused the police to threaten to keep her in jail, but as of 8:45 ET was reportedly set to be released, but any court dates are of now unknown.

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