Continuing Government Cruelty

What the hell is it with the State of Missouri?  Is it flat out anti-man’s-best-friend or does it’s police academy just teach that the way you deal with an apparently domesticated, sweet, yet frighten dog that you have PROPERLY RESTRAINED (and could easily walk into a crate) is to simply blast it full of hollow-point rounds?

This is blatant animal cruelty.  These assholes were not in any danger from this dog.  They should be ashamed.  They should be charged.  They should be fired.  But chances are they wont be.

We need to do away with the government monopoly on policing.  This type of bullshit would never fly in a private market.  If private protection
officers did this, count on their company going bankrupt from everyone canceling their “services.”

Today if you live in Larange, Missouri you are forced to pay for the “services” of these heartless thugs.  If you don’t pay for their “services” they will provide you with the “service” of throwing you out of your house and killing you if you resist.


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