Keeniac activists Rich Paul and Capuzzo were traveling through the police state of Massachusetts yesterday and were arrested for allegedly possessing cannabis and a firearm. Along with them was a female I am not familiar with named Jackie. The heroic bloggers from, Adam and Pete headed down to Greenfield today to bail them out. Naturally, they brought along video cameras to document the process. Turns out the police didn’t like that very much and proceeded to arrest Adam and Pete. Cop Block reports:
Cop Block bloggers Adam and Pete were arrested in Greenfield, MA for videotaping (which I believe is a felony in MA) while trying to bail fellow activists out of jail. You can listen to audio of the arrest here.
They are being held at the Greenfield Police Department which can be reached at (413) 773-5411. If I understand correctly, Adam and Pete have not identified themselves, so ask about “John Smith” and “John Smith” instead of Adam and Pete.
No bail has been set yet, but I’ve been told it will probably be set tomorrow. Allison Gibbs of LOLA is raising money to bail them out. If you’re interested in contributing, please send money ASAP to via PayPal.
UPDATE 7/2: Everyone except Capuzzo is out!