“Right-To-Travel” NH Native Sparks Anti-FSP Vitriol

The Union Leader is running an article about an individual who was arrested by the Rockingham County Sheriffs Department for driving without state permission:

A Nottingham man was ordered held without bail after he argued that the county sheriff’s department had no constitutional right to arrest him for driving from the courthouse without a license.

Drive, without state permission, eventually what happens?

That prompted prosecutors yesterday to have Porter’s bail revoked until his new trial on Sept. 27 for the Exeter charges.

Caging, like an animal.

This man is a New Hampshire native, mind you.  His license issues began back in 1999…  before the Free State Project began.  These comments in the Union Leader, to me, show just how apathetic people are towards the ever increasing police state in which we live:

Prime candidate for permanent residency in the the psycho ward. People like this don’t belong out in society without one-on-one close supervision.
Brian, Farmington

Sounds like one of those Free Staters to me.
Nut jobs, all of them!
John, Manchester

People who believe in reducing the infringement of government into the liberty of individuals who are not harming someone surely makes them “nut jobs.”  I refer you John and Brian to the following Wikipedia article: Punitive psychiatry in the Soviet Union.

I’ll agree that the “free staters” can appear to be “out there” on the fringe sometimes, but we need people like them to protect us from the Governments increasing encroachment on our freedoms.

P.S the “free staters” are some of the staunchest defenders of your constitutional rights, especially the 2nd amendment in NH.

I have found them to be very strict constitutionalists and Libertarian in their thinking, and I don’t have a problem with that, why should you.
neggy, hudson

Without the Free State Project here in New Hampshire… it would only be a matter of time before New Hampshire descends into another Massachusetts. As a New Hampshire native, I feel blessed that the Free State Project is here.

Another Freestater on the way to the looney bin. The Freestaters are a bunch of crazies who want to drag us back to the stone age. They are all a bunch of anti society radicals. No laws, no taxes. The roads will fall apart and people will starve but the Freestaters will be able to grow pot. Thats what they want. Its time for them to go away.
Mel, Manchester

Wrong, Mel.   This fellow is a New Hampshire native.  He’s not on his way to the “looney bin” either.  He is on his way to a cage…  for doing something that caused no harm to anyone else.

Anyone can believe anything they want? Freestaters or not… Okay, then believe this: if you don’t recognize the authority of the police, or the State then why do they still pay their taxes? If they won’t get a license, get Off the Road!! It’s paid for by the state, town, etc with tax-payer money, guided by elected officials… Want to be FREE, then WALK!!!! Ride a bike! Get a life while you are at it and find better things to protest about.
Scott, Portsmouth

People still pay taxes (not “theirs”) because of the threat of violence if they don’t.

neggy, hudson, the Free Stater nutballs were the reason for the ban on weapons in the State House, because they made a big show of going in covered with guns like children.

They need to be encourage to go home. Loudly.

Dave Sims, Derry

This is their home… and not a single incident of violence or anyone being harmed at the state house ever occurred. All that happened is people exercised their rights as sovereigns to carry firearms. The symbolism of carrying a firearm is more important than actually carrying a firearm for protection, in my opinion.

Oh free staters… when will you learn. Defenders of our rights? I must have missed the constitutional right to be willfully ignorant and endlessly self indulgent.

These people are the personification of how civic responsibility has taken a backseat to mulish entitlement. There is no free lunch, someone has to pay for the police, the roads, etc. Free staters benefit from the trappings of society for their entire lives but believe that they are above the laws that keep that very same society functioning.

I’d love to hear the free staters and sovereign citizens explain what they think the constitution says to a law professor. Would the professor laugh or cry?
James, Manchester

Hmm… President Obama is a “constitutional law professor” who recently authorized the extra-judicial killing of American citizens so long as a bureaucrat labels them a “terrorist.” With this type of thought being the mainstream opinion of constitutional law professors, I’m not so sure what justification a constitutional law professor can come up with for anything really means anything.  I’m sure the founding fathers would have approved of a king president having the ability to order an American citizen be whacked, simply because he said so.

How did he escape from Keene?
Happy in, Portsmouth


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