NH’s Largest Newspaper Smacks Around Police For “Wiretapping” Arrests

“No police scrutiny: Drop the camera and back away”

Take care, New Hampshire, that you don’t let the police catch you using your cell phone or video camera to record their interactions with the public. You could be arrested and charged with a felony.

It shouldn’t be a crime to record public officials doing their jobs or to record public disturbances or other crimes. Doing so can be a public service. (Had someone taped the incident involving Christopher Micklovich and four off-duty Manchester police officers outside the Strange Brew Tavern earlier this year, that saga would not be dragging on and on.) But in New Hampshire it’s not only a crime, it’s a felony. This needs to change.

Pretty easy editorial to agree with. What possible public benefit accrues from barring citizens from recording their interactions with governmental officials (particularly ones trained and authorized to use violence)? New Hampshire has some of the best and most professional police officers in the country, and as long as they stay that way they should have no reason to object to being recorded.

– Peter, Canterbury

Wow. Thank you Union Leader for such an awesome piece. The article is located here.

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