Government Created Crime in NH

On 01/23/11 when Seth Gagne passed a note to a pharmacist in Rochester, NH, his intentions were made quite clear:

Police say he passed a note to a pharmacist saying that if the pharmacist “pushed the button and did not return, (the pharmacist) would die.”

Luckily, this pharmacist didn’t get seriously injured or die.  Mark my words though, one day in the near future I will be writing about one who does.  I’ll even be linking back to this blog where I predicted it would happen.  This pending criminal activity could be easily prevented if a rational approach to drug abuse were adopted.   From my experience in law enforcement, the majority of crimes such as these are a direct result of drug prohibition.

I once saw a guy rob his parents blind so that he could get money at a pawn shop to buy heroin.  I’ve chased a heroin addict through the woods as he carried a backpack full of stolen items that he collected from pilfering an entire neighborhood of cars while the owners slept.  These crimes could easily be prevented.

If the police really wanted to make communities in New Hampshire safer, they would advocate for an end to drug prohibition.  Ending drug prohibition would mean that drug addiction (a serious social problem) could be treated as it should be: a medical issue.

Were drug addiction treated as a medical issue people would not have to resort to violent or property crime to get their fix.  Their addictions could be treated and diminished so that they could return to being a functioning member of society.

What would you honestly rather have: people using drugs in a controlled setting where the ultimate goal would be their getting drug-free OR pharmacists being murdered over pills?  Do you really think Seth Gagne or his cohorts would have resorted committing a violent crime and risk imprisonment to get money for drugs when they had a perfectly legal and safe alternative?

One day drug prohibition will end in this state and country.  It will end not because all drug use is a positive thing, it will end because the prohibition is far worse.

When it does end and the violent crime, addiction, and disease rates plummet, you can remember all the government officials who fought tooth-and-nail to prevent it.

Either through action or inaction, they’re the ones to blame for this continued insanity.

The Fosters Daily Democrat article about this case is here.

/rant off

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