The live streamed videos that were broadcast by Talley.TV from Greenfield, MA on July 18th and 19th have been organized into a YouTube playlist containing 25 videos. It begins on the 19th with Pete and Ademo announcing their victory in front of supporters and then switches to the morning on the 18th during the “No Victim No Crime” Rally in front of the Greenfield, MA Courthouse:
Thanks to Pete Eyre, Ademo Freeman, Ian Freeman, Kathy Breidel and others for providing live updates for the hundreds of people watching the live stream.
In addition to streaming live video updates, I posted to the CopBlock Facebook and Twitter accounts to quickly update their active police accountability network. As you may be aware, Pete Eyre and Ademo Mueller were victorious at the end of the day because they had the truth on their side (as documented by rolling video cameras) and jurors who were willing to go against the State by declaring that the two liberty activists were, indeed, “NOT GUILTY.”
The next episode of Talley.TV will feature a juror who explained why he voted against the State and in favor of Ademo & Pete in this historic court case.
Learn more about their victory over the Greenfield, MA law enforcers, prosecutors, judge, and other employees of the State at Thanks to the Civil Disobedience Evolution Fund for sponsoring the Talley.TV live stream.