I was in Central Square today for Free Speech Fridays, and while I was there I noticed that the gazebo is starting to look battered, the grass is patchy, and a serious mud hole, that may even present a safety risk to pedestrians, is to be found around the water fountain. Because of these problems, I took up the microphone an proposed that the activists, who are the primary users of Central Square in terms of time present, make an effort to repair the wear and tear the facilities have sustained. This will not only provide a better facility for the activists whom use the square the most, but also for all members of the public.
To accomplish this, we’re going to need paint, brushes, and other tools. If we wish to repair the ground cover, seed of some variety will be needed, and the effort will be impossible without volunteers. To that end, I will be attending the 4:20 rallies every weekday over the next 2-3 weeks to collect any funds anybody may wish to contribute, as well as any equipment that anyone may wish to donate for our use. I have also created a Facebook event, to be held in Central Square on Wednesday, September 14 at 4:00pm to discuss plans for making repairs.
An action like this is not without risks. Two years ago, another activist was arrested for attempting to create a public garden in Central Square. Arrests relating to this are also possible. The work done, if not done well, may cause bad publicity. And of course there is the chance that agents of the city council may choose to strip and repaint after our work is done, even if no arrests are made. I’m willing to take that risk.
Anybody who is interested is of course welcome to come out to Central Square on Wednesday to help plan. I’ll see you there.