Open Letter From NH State Representative JR Hoell

The following is a letter penned by New Hampshire State Representative JR Hoell addressed to the House Judiciary Committee. The letter is in response to the way Tommy Mozingo and I were treated as we attempted to point out that the University System of New Hampshire was violating the law by maintaining regulations which forbid the peaceful carrying of firearms and knives.

I’ve spoken to several elected officials and Rep. Hoell isn’t the only one who feels this way. Elected state officials will be present at our hearing today in the Grafton County Superior Court at 2:30PM to see how Judge Vaughn respects the state constitution as well as legislative authority.

A big thank you to Rep. Hoell for taking the time to write, publicize, and take on this issue!


CopBlock Spots Undercover Cop & Questions Others on Gun Issue

This past Friday Pete Eyre, fellow CopBlocker and blogger, and I went to Plymouth State University to cover the gun protest put on by former police officer, Brad Jardis. While there I spotted an individual who seemed a bit out of place. Turns out he was an undercover police officer.

Pete also interviewed several cops present about the double standard they were displaying by carrying firearms to protect people but using those same guns against someone who decided to do the same. Below is that video:

Three Union Leader Commenters Who “Get It”

Richard Sauders said:

BTW – If any of you anti-gun folks are in a classroom with my daughter at PSU, and some yahoo starts shooting, you might want to be behind her, I give the perp 1-3 shots, which may kill some of you folks, before my daughter returns fire.

She’s ex-military, got back from Iraq, and realizes that the rules put in place by the campus officials are illegal, and yes she has carried on campus against the rules with all proper State documents for 2.5 years.

Couple more to add to the list of sayings:

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

I would prefer to be judged by 12, than carried by 6.

Exactly. They’d probably expel her if they found out. Well, maybe not right now… as they realise their gig is almost up.

Actually, I wonder how many people have been disciplined under these illegal regulations. If you have, you should get a lawyer and ask questions about whether or not your rights were violated.


Should (Peaceful) People Be Able to Carry Firearms on (Public University) Campuses?

Asks the Union Leader in a poll.

I also added “public university” because the poll question says “college.” This is about public property owned by the taxpayers. Were this private property, we would never be having this debate. A private college has absolutely every right to set their own rules.

I added “peaceful” because that is what this is about. Remember: Criminals always will carry firearms. This is about whether or not YOU should have the right do defend yourselves from them.

Make your voice heard! Go vote here.

The poll is in the bottom right.