MARV is Being Raffled!


Congrats to David Blizzard who is now MARV’s new owner!

Overall 396 raffle tickets were sold – about 3/4 of sales coming from PorcFest attendees. David had snagged his three tickets – including the one randomly selected by Ademo Freeman the last night of PorcFest – online.

I just spoke with David on the phone – he plans to keep MARV looking as-is (a rolling billboard for liberty) and use it for vacationing, etc.

David calls northern GA home so if you’re in the area keep your eyes peeled!


Choice is good! You have lots of ways to acquire MARV raffle tickets!


click one of the payment methods above or
scroll down for raffle details & to learn more about MARV

Listed below are payment methods and links to more about MARV

Bitcoin – let’s be completely anonymous!

1. Enter your email address in the field below and hit submit
2. I’ll respond with with a unique deposit address
3. After you send the Bitcoins I’ll associate the public transaction record with the corresponding raffle ticket(s) on MARV Raffle Ticket Holders

[gravityform id=”2″ name=”Use your Bitcoins to get MARV raffle tickets! ” ajax=”true”]

Bitcoin to Raffle Ticket Exchange Rate:
. 5 BTC for one ticket (5BTC/ticket); 9.75 BTC for two tickets (4.9BTC/ticket);
14 BTC for three tickets (4.7BTC/ticket); 17 BTC for four tickets (4.3BTC/ticket);
21 BTC for five tickets (4.2BTC/ticket); 21 BTC for each additional 5 raffle tickets
(e.g. 42 BTC for 10 tickets, 63 BTC for 15 tickets, etc.)

If the raffle ticket selected on June 23rd matches your number I’ll email you! (so it is important to provide an email address that you check)

Curious about Bitcoins? Check out this 1-min 44-sec video to learn more.


Dwolla – send payment directly from your bank!

If you already use Dwolla:

1. Log-in to Dwolla, click on the “Send” button on the left and enter my email address “peteeyre[@]gmail[.]com” as the recipient (be sure to remove the brackets, which were included to minimize spam)
2. After you transfer the money I’ll associate the public transaction record with the corresponding raffle ticket(s) on MARV Raffle Ticket Holders

Dwolla to Raffle Ticket Exchange Rate:
$25 for one ticket ($25/ticket); $48 for two tickets ($24/ticket);
$69 for three tickets ($23/ticket); $88 for four tickets ($22/ticket);
$105 for five tickets ($21/ticket); $100 for each additional five tickets
(e.g. $205 for 10 tickets, $305 for 15 tickets, etc.)

If you don’t-yet use Dwolla:

1. Create a free account at Dwolla. You’ll be asked to connect your bank account (*note that I’ll never see/receive that information)
2. In one or two days Dwolla will send two small micro-deposits to your bank. When that happens, log-into Dwolla and confirm the amount
3. Then, click on the “Send” button on the left and enter my email address “peteeyre[@]gmail[.]com” as the recipient (be sure to remove the brackets, which were included to minimize spam)
4. After you transfer the money I’ll associate the confirmation number with the corresponding raffle ticket(s) on MARV Raffle Ticket Holders

If the raffle ticket selected on June 23rd matches your number I’ll email you!


In-person – let’s do it face-to-face!

Want to pay with cash or silver? Hell yeah! This is the best value as there’s no overhead or tracking.

Cash (or equivalent in silver) to Raffle Ticket Exchange Rate:
$20 for one ticket ($20/ticket); $40 for two tickets ($20/ticket);
$60 for three tickets ($20/ticket); $80 for four tickets ($20/ticket);
$100 for six tickets ($16.7/ticket); $100 for each additional six tickets
(e.g. $200 for 12 tickets, $300 for 18 tickets, etc.)

I will be in Keene, NH most days until the raffle. If we don’t cross-paths here I hope to see you at one of these events:

If you’re also attending any of the non-PorcFest events and want to give me a heads-up to look for you email “peteeyre[@]gmail[.]com” (be sure to remove the brackets, which were included to minimize spam).

If you pay with cash or silver I’ll collect your email address and we’ll agree on a confirmation number (which will be emailed or signed in duplicate so both parties have a record). I’ll then associate the confirmation number with the corresponding raffle ticket(s) on MARV Raffle Ticket Holders

SquareUp – use your debit/credit card

If I see you in-person you can get raffle tickets by paying with your debit/credit card. The same exchange rate listed above for cash/silver applies.

1. I’ll open SquareUp application on my phone & enter relevant details (total, name, email, confirmation number)
3. I’ll swipe your card, you sign & you’re emailed sent a receipt
4. I’ll associate the confirmation number with the corresponding raffle ticket(s) on MARV Raffle Ticket Holders

If the raffle ticket selected on June 23rd matches your number I’ll email you!


PayPal – I take plastic!

If you already have a PayPal account or want to pay with a credit or debit card this may be your option.

1. Select the desired number of tickets from the drop-down below, enter your relevant information and pay
2. I’ll associate the confirmation number with the corresponding raffle ticket(s) on MARV Raffle Ticket Holders


MARV Raffle Ticket Holders

For transparency this spreadsheet is both public & updated frequently.

The “Raffle Tickets Sold” is the total amount of raffle tickets sold thus far. The “Raffle Ticket #” number is the physical raffle ticket (from a roll of raffle tickets) that will be entered into the drawing. The “Confirmation #” is the associated confirmation number(s) from individual purchases via Bitcoin, Dwolla, SquareUp or PayPal. Raffle tickets bought with cash or silver are manually assigned numbers, which too are added to this column.


Raffle Details

  • there is no maximum number of raffle tickets that an individual can obtain
  • online donations for raffle tickets (Bitcoin, Dwolla & PayPal) will cease at 11:59pm EST on June 15th (to ensure all transactions go through prior to the drawing)
  • in-person donations for raffle tickets will cease at 11:59pm EST on June 23rd
  • a random raffle ticket will be selected at 12:00am EST on June 24th (the last night of PorcFest in Lancaster, NH)
  • the holder of the winning raffle ticket (MARV’s new owner) need not be present to win
  • MARV’s new owner – if not present at PorcFest – will be notified via email the evening of June 24th
  • MARV’s new owner can take possession of MARV at noon on June 25th in Keene, NH. Alternatively, if MARV’s new owner is not in the region delivery options can be agreed-upon (who is responsible to cover costs)
  • if under 500 tickets are sold* the raffle will be called off and 100% of donations will be returned (*this number will never be raised, but may, at the discretion of Pete Eyre, be lowered)
  • if over 850 tickets are claimed MARV’s new owner will be given $1,000 (to use for gas or anything else)

More MARV-related content

Questions? Please leave as a comment, to which I’ll respond, so that others can benefit from the exchange as well!

All updates about the raffle will be posted to & linked to from this page (

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