The Hillsboro County, NH (Valley Street) Corrections Superintendent’s Hubris

The other day while reading the Union Leader I came across an article where HCDC Superintendent David Dionne decided to speak negatively against Cheshire County Corrections Superintendent Richard Van Wickler:

“It’s a slap in the face to the corrections profession,” said David Dionne” of Superintendent Van Wickler’s decision to hire a convicted felon as a Corrections Officer.

Having personally known people who have been employed and incarcerated under both Superintendents, I can tell you this:  Hillsboro County could easily relinquish its position as the most frequently sued New Hampshire county correctional facility if they got an administrator of Superintendent Van Wickler’s quality.

I’ve recently asked Keene-based liberty activists who have served sentences under Corporal Schoolcraft what they think of him as an individual.  I am completely confident in telling you this: the man sounds like a complete professional.  Superintendent Dionne has many officers that I’ve recently heard the polar opposite of.

Until I stop hearing such first hand negative accounts (and reading case after case filed in the US District Court of New Hampshire, the last one not even filed two weeks ago) regarding mistreatment of his prisoners, I think Superintendent Dionne should refrain from casting any judgement whatsoever on colleagues who are provably far more professional.

I’ve never heard CCDC being a candidate for a federal consent decree either.

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