Black Sheep Rising – Episode 66

Baby wabbits and other NH wildlife • Millennials: new generation of hippies? • Roof Koreans for hire and Ferguson, MO stuff • Otters: not so cute after all • Katie, Matt, and Darryl join • Show notes at

DEA Seeks to Keep Phat Stuff’s Inventory

DEA Agents Raiding Phat Stuff

Criminal Gang, “DEA” Robs Local Smoke Shop in Broad Daylight

Back in May, as part of nationwide raids, the DEA raided popular local Main St. smoke shop, Phat Stuff.  Liberty activists were on-scene to document and copblock.  The dozen-or-so agents loaded up a large U-haul and carted way nearly every smoking device in the store, easily $100,000 in inventory.

The ostensible reason for the raid was a crackdown on synthetic drugs, which the store had not stocked for months.  Some observers of the situation believed that the DEA would actually give back the pipes.  Those people are obviously new to observing this thuggery.  The Keene Sentinel has an update on the case.  Guess what?  The DEA is seeing “forfeiture” (legal stealing) of all of the seized inventory.

The article reveals that the DEA jacked (in addition to the inventory), $15,000 from Phat Stuff owner Panos Eliopoulos’ bank account, nearly $700 from the store’s cash register, and stole his 2011 Ford F-250.  As expected, no charged have been filed against any human beings.  Only the inventory appears to be at risk here.  Typical DEA robbery – they take your stuff, like a criminal gang, and there’s nearly nothing you can do.  Does the owner want to spend $50,000 on attorneys to try to get $100,000 worth of inventory back, with no guarantee of success?

Here’s the story from the Sentinel: (more…)

Big Government Republican Attacks Free Staters in Guest Editorial

Fergus Cullen, like all power-seekers, is feeling very threatened by the Free State Project participants who are winning election as republicans in New Hampshire.  In his guest editorial for the Union Leader, Cullen whines about the freedom lovers taking power away from people like him and gives several tips on how to detect who the liberty-loving candidates are in their local elections: (more…)

Keenevention Announces Panel Hosts Lauren Rumpler & Mark Warden


Lauren Rumpler

Lauren “Objectivist Girl” Rumpler and Mark Warden, the porcupine real estate agent, will both be hosting panel discussions at the upcoming Keenevention 2014 October 31st through November 2nd. Lauren is hosting this year’s ladies panel and Mark is hosting the legislative panel! Get full details on all the panels and speeches announced thus far at

Tickets to Keenevention 2014 are just $60 for the whole weekend! You can get your tickets now for USD or BTC, but don’t wait as pre-event tickets are limited to 100.