NH1 Reports on Keene Activist Pulling Gun on Downtown Crazies

Chris Cantwell

Chris Cantwell

Keene activist and blogger Chris Cantwell was recently involved in a situation in downtown Keene where he attempted to video record some men who appeared to be abusive towards two women. When the whole group of those people then turned their ire on Cantwell and charged him, he pulled out his revolver to defend himself. Keene police showed up and handled the situation professionally.

I’ve frequently said Keene police are a cut above the average cops in the United States, and this is yet another example. Cantwell, who is originally from New York, a place where cops are awful and abusive towards gun owners, was also pleasantly surprised by KPD officers’ calm demeanor and how they handled the situation upon their arrival.

Cantwell was totally in the right. It’s his right to record in public and it’s his right to pull a gun to defend himself from aggressors. KPD officers on-scene reviewed his footage and sent him home with both his phone and gun. No charges were filed on any party. Despite the impending attack by the drunken people, Cantwell did not press for charges. He just wanted to help keep people safe. Kudos, Chris. The video of the incident has gone viral and now has over 500,000 views, making it the top video on his channel.

Now NH1 has filed this initial report from Keene, including an interview with Cantwell.

Rich Paul’s Analysis of the Cantwell Incident

The Church of the Invisible Hand

This is my analysis of Cantwell’s self defense incident. In my capacity as Mad Monk of the Church of the Invisible Hand, I will present it based on the principles of the Church, which are Peace, Love, Balance and Harmony.

First, let us examine principle of Peace. The Church believes that the best rule of behavior to achieve Peace is the Non-Aggression Principle. We believe that the only legitimate use of violence is in defense of yourself, another human or the property of a person. It is the only principle we will impose on others … we will forcibly prevent others from doing us harm. Cantwell’s behavior was completely in line with the principle of Peace. He does have a natural right to videotape a public street — public being defined as unowned or owned by an illegitimate entity like Government. Not only did he not initiate force, but when a credible threat of force was brought to bear against him, and he legally and morally could have fired in self-defense, he still forbore from firing, and brought the incident to a conclusion where nobody was harmed. That is the best possible outcome of a self-defense situation.

Secondly, let us examine the principle of Love. The Church believes as our Estimated Prophet Robert A Heinlein wrote.that “Love is that state where the well-being of another becomes essential of our own”, An (more…)

Keene State College Students Appreciate Hassan Confrontation

Keene Cannabis Coalition

Keene Cannabis Coalition

Yesterday, the Keene Cannabis Coalition released a public statement supporting Rich Paul and I in our confronting of Maggie Hassan this weekend at the Keene State College graduation. The students said:

thank you for coming to graduation commencement and asking Governor Hassan the tough questions that need to be asked, we applaud you for taking advantage of this unique situation when we were unable to because of the hectic schedule us students were following.

We of course had no intention to disrupt the ceremony for the students, and for the most part, students were not around Maggie Hassan. She was at the back of the procession; the students were at the front. When she got too close to the ceremony, we ended our confrontation.

RLS ep 48: Black Coffee Matters


Mattheus von Guttenberg joins Rob and Shire Dude in studio this week. Topics discussed on this week’s show include the RLS THC cleanse, season five of the RLS, upgrading the studio, treat us like Rich Paul, Porcfest is less than a Shire year away, podcasting learning hospital, Big Gay Dance party, Alan Watts and Eastern Philosophy, cop blocking police on horse back with drones, New Movers party, Artsy Fartsy party, CMT documentary crew in the Shire, women in the liberty movement using sex to gain popularity, and Liberland. The Rebel Love Show broadcasts live every Tuesday night at 10 pm EST on LRN.FM.

Activist with firearm defends himself against thugs . No injuries.

Activist Chris Cantwell was confronted by a drunk, angry and violent group of assailants. faced with this attack, he defended himself by drawing his firearm. Here is his description of the events, along with video so you can judge the situation for yourself. I will be writing later about my analysis of this event, the actions of the people involved and my response to some of the commentary on the event.

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