Keenevention 2015: Day Three Recap

Tech Panel 2015

Keenevention 2015 Tech Panel

After an amazing HALLOWKEENE costume dance party on Saturday night (look for pics and an article about that soon) that wrapped up at 1:30a, we began Keenevention 2015’s Sunday morning bright and early at 9am with this year’s Technology Panel, hosted for the third year in a row by Sovryn Tech‘s Brian Sovryn. This year’s tech panel was a full 90 minutes compared to only 60 last year. This year the two 60-minute panels from previous years were eliminated, and now all panels are standard Keenevention length of 75 minutes with a 15 minute buffer afterwards, so popular panels can go overtime, and most do.

Keenevention 2015 Legislative Panel

Keenevention 2015’s Legislative Panel

After the Tech Panel, the first-ever Jury Nullification panel was headed up by board member James Davis. This interesting panel focused on various aspects of the movement for jury nullification from outreach outside the court, to what it was like actually being part of a jury that nullified. We then broke for a leisurely two-hour lunch.

The afternoon included an all A rated (by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance) panel of state legislators headed up by two-term A+ rated state rep and Free State Project early mover Mike Sylvia. The state reps, which included two freshmen, discussed their various experiences and favorite proposed liberty-oriented bills.

Darryl W. Perry Keynote 2015

Darryl W. Perry Delivers Keenevention 2015’s Closing Keynote

They expressed frustration with the federal government, police state, drug prohibition, and concealed carry restrictions. It’s refreshing to be in a place where some state representatives actually care about freedom and are actively working towards it, and these are just a few of dozens of liberty-friendly state reps! Darryl Perry was willing to delay his closing keynote to extend the panel’s time for audience questions, to which they enthusiastically responded.

Finally, Libertarian presidential candidate Darryl W. Perry delivered a rousing speech talking about why he cares and is motivated to dedicate basically every waking hour to liberty. Darryl’s a non-stop activist and was a great closing speaker for Keenevention 2015.

Post-Keenevention Social Sunday

Post-Keenevention Social Sunday

Though many had gone home by the time the weekend ended, some stayed on for the post-Keenevention “Social Sunday” at Local Burger on Main Street. Social Sunday may be the longest-running weekly social event in the NH liberty community. We enjoyed a few more moments with some of our Keeneventioneers and some delicious burgers made from locally-sourced beef. If you’re in town on a Sunday at 6pm, come out and join us. Though, check the Keene Liberty Activist Calendar first to make sure the location hasn’t changed.

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