VIDEO Released: March 16th, 2021 FBI Raid Of Free Talk Live, the Bitcoin Embassy, & Mighty Moose Mart

There’s not much good one can say about the FBI’s raid on the LRN.FM studio that occurred a week and a half ago now, but there is one great thing that has come from it all. Thanks to the FBI’s raid of 19 properties over the supposed use of cryptocurrency the story has garnered national and even international attention. It has brought together a community that some would even say was in disarray. We have seen a significant amount of support from both inside and outside of the libertarian community even. Not only has this attention helped to raise a significant amount of money to fight bogus charges, but it has brought attention to the larger freedom migration movement. This spike in interest can be directly tied to these raids and many people who had not previously known about the Free State Project or the larger liberty migration movement are now looking into moving. In the first week of the raid I talked to a handful of people who expressed a desire to move to New Hampshire and some of which have already begun putting bids on houses, initiated rental contracts, and one has even already made the move as of today. Even should everyone be convicted I can’t conceive of any way in which these raids will end up being a detriment to what we’re trying to achieve in New Hampshire. For every arrest we see dozens of new movers. To those who were arrested I want to say thank you for being the leaders we should all strive to be.

Free Talk Live & Studio Raids:

Backup video link (particularly in case of further YouTube censorship) on IPFS:

Mighty Moose Mart & Bitcoin Embassy Raids:

Backup video link (particularly in case of further YouTube censorship) on IPFS:

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