Not-so-Live-Free: Keene Councilors Vote Down Bar Owners who Want to Advertise their Drink Specials

Not a Beer

A power-mad city council committee voted down bar owners’ who want to be able to advertise their drink specials outside their establishments. Of course, this isn’t the only absurd, micro-managing rule these “councilors” force down the throats of peaceful business owners. It is in the news though, because a state law has repealed these ordinances across NH, but unfortunately has an opt-out provision.

The council committee voted to opt-out unanimously. Here’s the story from the Keene Sentinel’s Sarah Trefethen.

Here’s an excerpt:

Several people worried that signs outside bars would give the impression the city is a place where drinking is condoned and is a large part of the local culture.

Just pretend like drinking doesn’t happen in Keene and no one will know! Ludicrous. Unfortunately, no one showed up to testify in favor of repealing the prohibition. One “councilor” used this as his excuse to support the prohibition. Most productive people are working or relaxing after work, perhaps with an alcoholic beverage. Plus, we know what happens when someone tries to enjoy a drink at a boring council meeting.

That said, it would be nice if someone would take an interest in alerting liberty lovers to opportunities like this to speak out in favor of freedom. I didn’t find out until the night before, and I work during council meetings. 🙁

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