Philly Cops Promise to Respect Property, Renege

On Friday, Nov. 25, 2011, Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia sent out a press release stating that the Occupiers have 48 hours to evacuate their encampment. This is not the first time. Notices like this one have been put out in the past weeks, but police refused to enforce the evictions. I went down to Philadelphia to ask the cops what they will do.

On Sunday, Nov. 27, I interviewed several cops who told me that they would not knock over tents or seize people’s personal property. They mentioned to me that a similar eviction notice came last week and went without reaction from police. They assured me that they are keeping the status quo, and that I can allay my fears that free people would be aggressed upon.

People from the Occupation held a meeting hours before eviction hour and decided that some would stay, some would go. The popular “Truth, Freedom, Prosperity Warming Station” dismantled, but 75 other tents remained committed to standing their ground.

I left satisfied because the hour of eviction had come and gone, and the police had initiated no violence. I applauded their respect for sovereign individuals on FreeTalkLive last night and recommended more police emulate them. Then I woke up today to learn that right after I complimented their behavior, Philadelphia police made 50 arrests, ransacked tents, and seized private property.

For shame, Philadelphia police, for shame. Your badge doesn’t grant you extra rights, and it is never okay to initiate aggression. Stop hurting peaceful people.

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