Swanzey and Keene Police Come To The Door!!!

After attending a four hour school board meeting on Saturday morning, Ian and I were having breakfast when Ademo called, saying that the police had just been at the Keene Activity Center looking for myself, Ian, and Derrick (video to come).  Because Ademo said that a Swanzey police car was accompanying two Keene cars, we assumed that it had something to do with the high school outreach the three of us had participated in at Monadnauck Regional High School in Swanzey; which resulted in massive controversy when a student, Mason Amadeus, confronted us in opposition to the outreach we were doing at his school.

According to Kate Ager, who had just arrived at the KAC with her little sister to pick up Ademo, Officer Finton Moore asked for us specifically by name and left his card for us to contact him.  Kate also reports that her little sister had been scared by the officers’ presence on the premises (if they were truly peace officers, why would a seven year old little girl be afraid).

The next morning (yesterday/Sunday), I was at my desk immersed in my work with headphones on when someone tapped on my shoulder and told me that the police were here again.   I looked out the window and saw Ademo with a camera in his hand while two police cars, one Swanzey one Keene, drove away (apparently they did not want to deal any further with CopBlock).  Again, they were in search of Ian, Derrick, and I.  Originally I had thought they were simply trying to serve no trespass orders, but since their second visit I’ve began to wonder.

What is it the cops want?  Not sure, but I’m going to Keene district court in the morning for jury outreach so if they want to talk to me, I’ll be available there….

Monadnauck HS Outreach, Feb. 3

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