District Court Dismisses City’s Smoke Alarm Case


Keene district court judge L. Phillips Runyon has dismissed the case brought against me regarding their claim that I need to have interconnected, AC-operated smoke detectors in my tenants’ home, which was raided by code enforcers and the fire chief in 2012.  After a court hearing on the validity of the warrant authorizing the search in the first place, Runyon issued an order invalidating the fire inspection part of the search warrant and throwing out all evidence collected by the fire chief, Gary LaFreniere.  The city’s attorney, Thom Mullins then motioned the court to reconsider, which was denied.  Meanwhile, I filed a motion to dismiss the case, since the complaint was written by the fire chief, whose evidence had been deemed inadmissible.

That motion has been granted.  Case dismissed!  This case is a perfect example of why homeowners should not roll over for code enforcement and zoning threats.  Many times, like this one, the state aggressors don’t even have a valid case under their own system’s rules!  You never find out if you just take the plea deal or do as they are demanding.  It’s people’s continued capitulation that just encourages the state people to continue to come up with new ways to control you and your friends and family.  I suggest you don’t take the plea, whether on threats against your property, victimless traffic tickets (parking, speeding, etc), drugs, or other consensual “crimes”.  Make them prove their case in court.  Make them work for their conviction – if they get it.  Don’t be surprised if you have your charge dropped right before trial or they come to you with an even better plea deal.  Of course, doing all these things is more effective if you are around others who are doing the same.  That’s one big reason to move to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project, if you love liberty, that is.

The smoke alarm case is yet another win under activists’ belts in 2013, which has been an amazingly successful year in courts.  Up next – Robin Hooders are on trial August 12th at 9am at Superior Court and then I’ll be in Hillsboro district court for a speeding ticket trial on Sept 5th at 9:30am.  In other speeding ticket news, Free Keene blogger Conan had his speeding ticket dismissed from Keene district court when he showed up for trial yesterday, but the sheriff who ticketed him did not!  Another win!

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