Free Keene Blogger Imprisoned Six Days for Caring

David KAs journalist and videographer Sam Dodson was screaming from another room, David Krouse and other activists were ordered to leave the lobby of the allegedly public Keene district court. Krouse sat down and remained peacefully noncooperative. For this, he was arrested and charged with “disorderly conduct”. Last week he was sentenced to six days in the Cheshire jail and that sentence began this morning, as activists gathered to see him off.

Learn more and get the jail contact info at Write to David at

Join us for his release party at the jail on Sunday at 9am. Details on this forum thread.

Videojournalist Dave Ridley has written this letter to the editor of the Sentinel:

Keene liberty activist David Krouse is in jail for several days because he quietly, briefly refused to leave the Keene District Court lobby. He chose to stay there partly in protest of an indie reporter’s arrest, partly out of concern for the reporter’s safety.

If you have a problem with authorities using your tax dollars in this manner, I invite you to join the activists who will celebrate Krouse’s release on August 9th. This will presumably ocurr outside the Cheshire County jail. Details are at The last such event drew over forty supporters, a hamburger grill and a mobile entertainment center.

Punishing folks for constructively monitoring the government…turns individuals into movements and movements into cultures. The latter is what’s starting to happen now.

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